Keeping The Flame Of Mindfulness Alight

One of the challenges of developing a mindfulness practice can be found in those two words – ‘developing’ and ‘practice’.  Most of us come to mindfulness because we want something to change, and so we tend to see it as a potential solution, and have an idea in mind of where we’d like to get […]

Being With Sadness

Sadness is as much a part of life as happiness.  We may wish that wasn’t true, and it can be easy to believe that loss is what happens to other people. Until it happens to you. And then you’re flung into a new world that you have no training for, feeling totally lost and without […]

Clear Seeing And Discovering Freedom

Once Upon A Time (this is a blog about stories after all)… I was sitting in a peaceful meditation hall situated amidst beautiful countryside, alongside a group of other silent meditators.  And into that stillness arose a white-hot bolt of pure anger.  Where on earth did that come from?!? I’d learned to embrace many painful […]

How To Be Happy, Just As You Are

For an awfully long time, I believed that I could only be happy when I’d changed something about myself. For example, when I was more calm and confident, or when I stopped making mistakes and always got everything right. Only once I’d become that other person (I believed) could I stop feeling there was something […]