Keeping The Flame Of Mindfulness Alight

One of the challenges of developing a mindfulness practice can be found in those two words – ‘developing’ and ‘practice’.  Most of us come to mindfulness because we want something to change, and so we tend to see it as a potential solution, and have an idea in mind of where we’d like to get […]

Clear Seeing And Discovering Freedom

Once Upon A Time (this is a blog about stories after all)… I was sitting in a peaceful meditation hall situated amidst beautiful countryside, alongside a group of other silent meditators.  And into that stillness arose a white-hot bolt of pure anger.  Where on earth did that come from?!? I’d learned to embrace many painful […]

How To Be Happy, Just As You Are

For an awfully long time, I believed that I could only be happy when I’d changed something about myself. For example, when I was more calm and confident, or when I stopped making mistakes and always got everything right. Only once I’d become that other person (I believed) could I stop feeling there was something […]

Why Mindfulness Needs Kindness

by Sheila Bayliss When I first started practising mindfulness, I hit a bit of a roadblock when it came to the part about letting unpleasant feelings be there. Not trying to change things that were unpleasant just felt plain wrong.  You see, I was desperate to get rid of my anxiety. At the time I […]