Imagine all the people…

By Alex Ratcliffe

Mindfulness 3

Imagine waking up and all your troubles were gone.

Imagine feeling at complete peace.

Imagine you had a clean slate, like a child; the baggage of the past didn’t exist and the future was just a thought you didn’t have yet.

Imagine hearing the sweetest, most uplifting, heart-stirring music you’ve ever heard, seeing the most beautiful scene you’ve ever seen, feeling the sweetest feeling you’ve ever felt.

Imagine a lake without a ripple, and the feeling of being that placid lake. Or every troubled thought and feeling washing off you like those droplets off a duck’s back.


Imagine no more no war, life without borders, and borders without fear.

Just for a moment: imagine you are ageless, bodiless, pain-free, with no burden at all; that you are something else and beyond.

Imagine all the people…living for today.

Now close your eyes and breathe. Listen.

Nothing else.

All your dreams have come true.

Happy Christmas.

Find Alex on Twitter: @AlexandraBeetle

Alexandra’s other Huffington Post blogs can be found here

Images from Claire Beynon:

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