How mindfulness improved my life, and looking for new experiences

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Posts: 1
Practice Mindfulness Since: 12 Aug 2000

Tue Feb 05, 2019 3:48 am  

Hi you all, I will keep it brief.

Mindfulness has changed my life in many senses, because back in the day, I used to be more choleric, it was common for me to lose focus and attention, and overall, I did not experience any kind of internal peace. I think that many of you can relate to it now.

I discovered it after looking for help to better control my emotions, and even though changes like fitness and following a better diet did wonders for me (nowadays I follow a ketogenic diet, it has worked very well for me), I still did not feel complete, and that is when I started to practice meditation.

At first I could not stand it longer than 3 minutes, but with the passing of time, I have managed to reach up to 30 minutes of uninterrupted mindful meditation, which is a great accomplishment for me.

Nowadays I feel a lot more relaxed and in control of myself, which has helped me a lot in my interpersonal relationships, and overall, to feel better about myself.

Now, I'm thinking about joining a yoga and meditation retreat, as a way to take my practice to the next level. Would you recommend it? Thanks!

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Practice Mindfulness Since: 08 Dec 2012
Location: In a field, somewhere

Tue Feb 05, 2019 10:41 am  

Hi Bryti2000.
Welcome to the forum.
Great to hear that mindfulness is working for you.
I'd highly recommend a retreat though I'd advise checking thoroughly into the details beforehand. A friend of mine signed up to a 4-day silent retreat and was somewhat taken aback when the first meditation on the first day lasted for 4 hours. Bit of an endurance test as he was used to 20 minutes sits at most.
Make sure you find one that isn't too much of a stretch.
And maybe you'd like to write a blog for us about how mindfulness has transformed your life.
All good things,
Jon leads the Everyday Mindfulness group meditation on Zoom every Monday/Friday, 6pm London-time. FREE.
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Practice Mindfulness Since: 19 Aug 2013
Location: The Netherlands

Tue Feb 05, 2019 5:11 pm  

Bryti2000 wrote:Now, I'm thinking about joining a yoga and meditation retreat, as a way to take my practice to the next level. Would you recommend it?

Thanks for sharing your story. I can surely recommend yoga and a silent retreat. I've experienced both. Power Yoga for two years now. I wouldn't say it brought me to the 'next level' (as you call it), though. It's just another experience. Yoga is just mindful movement, really. A silent retreat can be amazingly insightful. It was like heaven for me. But as Jon said, some people hate it.

So don't expect anything from it and just give it a try.

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