Boundless Heart by Christina Feldman

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Posts: 107

Fri May 19, 2017 2:49 pm  

Hi all. Just wanted to post and say that I'm reading Boundless Heart by Christina Feldman at the moment, on Jon's many recommendations on here! It's really fantastic, the best thing I've read on loving kindness by far.

I've been practising in the way she suggests since I started reading and I think that her descriptions and practices really hit home for me, much more than anything else I've read. Easy to read, easy to start practising, it all seems very natural. No analogies involving cars (or analogies of any sort really, which is a relief). Lots on kindness and compassion towards oneself as well, but without feeling forced or like you're trying to change your thoughts or feelings, which is how I felt with Chris Germer's book. I highly recommend it. Has anyone else read it? Any thoughts?
everybody just bounce

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Posts: 2897
Practice Mindfulness Since: 08 Dec 2012
Location: In a field, somewhere

Fri May 19, 2017 7:15 pm  

Sharon Salzberg has a new one out too. This is a great time for great books about compassion.
Glad to know you are enjoying it, monkey.
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