cats and mindfulness

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Posts: 28

Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:11 am  

This morning I set myself a goal of 15 min mindful yoga. My big tabby boy was duly fed. He ignored his food and had great fun licking whatever bit of human was nearest and generally being a distraction.
I'm loathe to shut him out of the room as he will make is disagreement with such an act very verbal and wake others...
Anyone got tips for incorporating cat antics into practice?

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Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:54 am  

When I first started to meditate I had a cat and a dog. The cat has since gone to live with my son. As I sat, the cat would crawl over my head and my dog would lick my face. I gave up tying to swat them away and simply incorporated them into my practice. "Noticing cat on head…noticing dog's tongue on my eye…" Eventually they got used to me meditating and didn't pay me any attention although Banjo The Spaniel is known to snore very loudly when I'm sitting.
I'm just glad I don't have a foul-mouthed parrot... :o
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Fri Oct 16, 2015 4:14 pm  

I agree with JonW - incorporate your cats into your practice if you can.

I realise that this is sometimes easier said that done, but try it for a few sessions and see what happens.

I have a cat, and initially she would walk over me and lick me, then she would curl up in my lap and sleep, and now she just ignores me.

Good luck!

Posts: 3
Location: Hertfordshire, UK

Tue Oct 20, 2015 4:01 pm  

I also have a cat, and yes she does try to help with everything I do, including meditation lol. She sits on my lap purring which in itself is very relaxing and conducive to meditation:)

Posts: 28

Wed Oct 21, 2015 6:27 am  

It is hard to avoid judging your cat stretch when you got an expert at hand :)
He's still enjoying playing with me during yoga... I'm just using this as a sensation to recognize...

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