Meditating my way out of depression - part 2

Post here if you are just starting out with your mindfulness practice. Mindfulness is a really difficult concept to get your head around at first, and it might be that you would benefit from some help from others.
Posts: 8
Location: London, UK

Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:41 pm  

A work in progress.

So, I'm still meditating, now on Headspace Take 20 which I love. It helps calm my mind. It's not that I stop thinking, or the critical voice in my head shuts up (if only) - I am beginning to realise that I am only human after all - it's that I am starting to see my thoughts and feelings a bit more objectively. The great revelation for me is that thoughts and feelings pass, nothing is permanent, and they don't define who I am.

I'm still experiencing bad days, but not every day is a bad day any more. Taking anti-depressants, meditating regularly, exercising and getting enough sleep all seem to help. And while I certainly don't want to set up any more "must / should /ought to" in my life (I have quite enough of those already), I have set out a few "rules of thumb" to help me get through each day.

Let me know your thoughts, and I would love to hear what helps you get through the day

#1 Meditate every day
#2 Do something physical every day
#3 Get enough sleep
#4 Nature is healing, look at the trees
#5 Take time to notice
#6 Thoughts and feelings pass
#7 Talk to someone
#8 Talk to yourself like you would talk to a close friend, not your worst enemy


Posts: 6

Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:19 pm  

Hi Niccy,

I can totally relate to your posts as I am also dealing with an episode of depression right now. Not as bad as the one before (about 2 1/2 years ago), but it distresses me as I don't know if it is relapse or what is going on.
I only just started practicing mindfulness and I think and hope that, once I have practiced more, it could really take away some of my struggles.

Love your list! Mine is pretty much similar.

I also try to meditate every day and practice the body scan (I struggle to stay awake, regardless the time of day!).

I do yoga and notice that it's true, it does feel good and while on the mat, I hardly feel depressed or nervous.

I try to go for a run or a walk on the weekends (too dark when I get home from work right now during the week).

Get enough sleep and being grateful that I can sleep!

Trying to eat regularly. This is tough for me right now as I do lose my appetite.
Ironically, I have a very healthy appetite when I am feeling well/"normal" and always wish I wouldn't eat as much (no visible weight issues, just in my head).
And when I am feeling low and don't want to eat, I wish things were just as always and I would crave food...

I like #6 and #8 in your list a lot. These are the things I definitely haven't internalised yet.
I do know that thoughts and feelings pass, but I still can't shake the "what if" thoughts (what if I get worse? what if I always feel this way? etc).
And being right in the middle of a low mood, it is sometimes just so hard to imagine how it could lift. But I guess the point is, you don't have to imagine it, you just have to trust...

#8 is great, as it shows me how different I talk to myself (in my head ;) ) compared to how I do talk or would talk to others.

Posts: 47
Practice Mindfulness Since: 19 Jan 1985

Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:37 am  

Mindful mediation has been known to help people through depression. In a preliminary study, researchers found mindful meditation help reduced depression. The subjects meditated daily for 15 – 30 minutes and journaled their experience...

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