Mindfulness Resources

Do you have an interesting course, book or article you want to discuss? Share them here.
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Posts: 1465

Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:45 pm  

Hello all,

We now have a great looking site and forum. I am going to tinker with this in the next few weeks to get a bit more colour about the place. So many thanks to Aaron for giving us his time free of charge - I am so grateful.

The next step for the site is going to be a resources page that will list all the different resources that can help people with their mindfulness practice. Off the top of my head, these are the different resources that I can think of:

1. Forum (we have made a good start here)
2. Books
3. Articles
4. Audio (guided meditations and talks on mindfulness)
5. Video (guided meditations and talks on mindfulness)
6. Video (live group meditations & mindfulness course groups)
7. Directory of mindfulness teachers & courses (searchable by postcode)
8. Links to other mindfulness sites with descriptions

This is a big job and any help with this task will be greatly appreciated. Some of the points are going to be labour intensive and will require some good technology to implement, so they are something to aim for, rather than something we can do straight away. Give me your opinions on this list, and anything you think needs adding.

Posts: 47
Practice Mindfulness Since: 19 Jan 1985

Thu Aug 22, 2013 7:43 am  

I believe its ultimately, it’s just a matter of making the decision to do it and following through.. Great resource!

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