If you cant let go....let go!

Post here if you are just starting out with your mindfulness practice. Mindfulness is a really difficult concept to get your head around at first, and it might be that you would benefit from some help from others.
Posts: 67
Practice Mindfulness Since: 10 Oct 2015

Fri Oct 09, 2020 9:56 am  

Kind regards brother thanks so much for your help :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Posts: 67
Practice Mindfulness Since: 10 Oct 2015

Fri Oct 09, 2020 2:22 pm  

JonW wrote:No, there's no lying involved. Nothing could be more straightforward.

Thats a really good teaching point in itself, its like you gave me a cue like "surrender" or "you think you have to do something 1st" thanks, I suppose alot of these teaching points are more like guides to the right place, rather than something literally true.

Thats good to know , although they should explain that, they explain it as if its literally true as well thats a mistake I think because you will wonder why you cant do it and later find out its not literally true and it might ruin your favourite teaching cue and ability etc

I wish they would tell you this is just a guide to the right place and not literally true

Its like they are teaching just what to do and dont think you should be in on why or how, and they might not be in on that themselves as well

Team Member
Posts: 2897
Practice Mindfulness Since: 08 Dec 2012
Location: In a field, somewhere

Fri Oct 09, 2020 9:46 pm  

Which teaching points are you referring to? When you say, 'Its like they are teaching just what to do and dont think you should be in on why or how, and they might not be in on that themselves as well.' who are 'they'?
Jon leads the Everyday Mindfulness group meditation on Zoom every Monday/Friday, 6pm London-time. FREE.
Follow this link to join the WhatsApp group and receive notifications: https://chat.whatsapp.com/K5j5deTvIHVD7z71H3RIIk

Posts: 67
Practice Mindfulness Since: 10 Oct 2015

Sat Oct 10, 2020 7:35 am  

JonW wrote:Which teaching points are you referring to? When you say, 'Its like they are teaching just what to do and dont think you should be in on why or how, and they might not be in on that themselves as well.' who are 'they'?

The subject in general has alot of irrationality to it because its ancient, and because its religious, and it attracts alot of spiritual/religious types.

I cant give specific names easily because ive watched so many teachers and id have to search for some time to find one that gave an obvious example of irrational psychology. But many have given me ideas that only work if you believe they work for example.

But it doesn't matter I guess, uve helped me get to the bottom of something, which I now understand, so I can drop this now.

You are a damn fine teacher, and a damn good person, I can feel the method you are using, you asked me so many questions there you pointed me to the right place, to awareness, since question marks kinda trigger awareness esp lots of them at once) :))) thanks brother :)))

Posts: 67
Practice Mindfulness Since: 10 Oct 2015

Sat Oct 10, 2020 7:47 am  

New meditation cue, ask someone 7+ questions in the space of 1 sentence xD They will go serene

Team Member
Posts: 2897
Practice Mindfulness Since: 08 Dec 2012
Location: In a field, somewhere

Sat Oct 10, 2020 9:06 am  

'The subject in general has alot of irrationality to it because its ancient, and because its religious, and it attracts alot of spiritual/religious types.'

Yes, it is ancient. But modern-day mindfulness is mostly taught in an entirely secular way and it's far from irrational.
Read Jon Kabat-Zinn, Mark Williams & Danny Penman, Sharon Salzberg, Elisha Goldstein and Saki Santorelli. They all explain mindfulness is a clear, concise manner with no ambiguities.
Jon leads the Everyday Mindfulness group meditation on Zoom every Monday/Friday, 6pm London-time. FREE.
Follow this link to join the WhatsApp group and receive notifications: https://chat.whatsapp.com/K5j5deTvIHVD7z71H3RIIk

Posts: 67
Practice Mindfulness Since: 10 Oct 2015

Sat Oct 10, 2020 12:57 pm  

JonW wrote:'The subject in general has alot of irrationality to it because its ancient, and because its religious, and it attracts alot of spiritual/religious types.'

Yes, it is ancient. But modern-day mindfulness is mostly taught in an entirely secular way and it's far from irrational.
Read Jon Kabat-Zinn, Mark Williams & Danny Penman, Sharon Salzberg, Elisha Goldstein and Saki Santorelli. They all explain mindfulness is a clear, concise manner with no ambiguities.


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