Where to next with my transformative mindfulness practice?

Post here if you have been practising for a while, and you are starting to get your head around what this is all about. Also post here if you are a long-term practitioner with something to say about the practice.
Posts: 2

Fri Jul 05, 2013 2:02 am  

Hi Guys!

Sorry about the late reply - work and Uni have been beyond hectic lately.

I love the book suggestion! I plan to write a few books in the future for sure.. and I would definitely like to get more involved in the project here. Thank you all for your kind words too btw ^-^

I would like to go through the thread over the weekend and get back to everyone individually but for now I just wanted to share this link -


The Oatmeal is one of the best web-comics out there and this particular series of them is an INCREDIBLY funny visual illustration of how are minds, uncontrolled, are basically totally autonomous and do whatever they want.

It's good because everyone can relate to it and it's a very light hearted sort of way to introduce people to the whole concept of mindfulness. Also.. do you guys know Zen Pencils?

OH MY GOD it's amazing!!!

Here is a link to one of the most recent comics

http://zenpencils.com/comic/120-terence ... s-courage/

I'll make another post soon - it's great to be here! It can be really hard to find people who are GENUINELY committed to this kind of practice and don't simply talk about it a lot. I've met a handful here in NZ in recent years but finding a large group is very difficult when your city has a relatively small population (about 250,000).

Thank you all again for your kind words and I very much look forward to getting involved here - I have lots of ideas I'd like to share with you as well as things to discuss


Posts: 19
Location: Swansea, Wales

Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:09 pm  

What a great thread, thanks Nick for staring it off.

Bio, I like your take on the psychic thing, it is so easy to get distracted by fantasy - I know I've been there too. The human brain is programmed to look for connections and when wierd stuff comes up it is inevitable that we try and make sense of it, even when there is no sense to it.

Omni, I like yr comments and the video too. The power of belief is amazing so why not harness it and believe in happiness? It is great to see someone who has put this into practice to such great effect. You asked for feedback; It is all great apart from... your shirt, no only joking. The only thing I would question is your use of the word 'creation'. This is probably just me and my obsession with evolution etc. but creation implies a 'creator'. You may believe in a 'creator', which is fine I guess, but if you don't I would consider using a different word that wasn't so connected to religious dogma.
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Location: Huddersfield, UK

Sun Jul 21, 2013 5:59 pm  

Just thought I'd throw something in here. What's wrong with a bit of fantasy? I write songs...helps me to get the creative juices flowing :mrgreen:

Just be careful not to be putting on wizard hats and running around the street with a magic wand. Learn the boundaries, yo.
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