Thu May 23, 2013 11:06 am
Hi There !! ... it's me again, I've been busy trying to catch you all up with the FPIAFW course, and I'm nearly there, I've read through the First Week, now starting Week 2, so by the end of this week I feel I will be ready to start the Week 3 with everyone.
I've been incorporating the Meditation 1 (Body & Breath) into my morning meditation for the past couple of days, and included the Meditation 2 (Body Scan) this morning.
As I've said I've been on a 1 hr per week Meditation/Mindfulness course for the past 5 weeks, and we have been doing similar practices to these so I felt quite comfortable with these Meditations, they were different but similar if you get my drift.
One thing I have been noticing doing the Body Scan is how bad my posture is, and how knotted and tense my poor back feels, even when meditating sitting on my comfy sofa with my back supported, so any tips on back exercises, improving posture would be appreciated, I do think I have to do something about this.
And I have now devoured a Raisin for the cause !! .... took some doing, believe me .... couldn't find any in our kitchen, but being a resourceful chap, I rescued one from a packet of Museli, then fondled it slowly and chewed it for as long as I could, then spent quite a few minutes trying to get the seed out of my teeth, I can still remember vividly the feel/taste of the experience, which is good for me.
I'm looking forward to getting my hands on a Chocolate Covered Raisin next, just hope I can manage to fondle it without getting the Chocolate all over my fingers, can see problems there.......