stomach burning

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Sun May 19, 2019 5:22 pm  

Vincent Guedes wrote:That’s interesting. Maybe I’m overthinking the practise.

What’s the best way for me to turn off the metacognitive part? It seems as soon as I decide to become aware , there is a part of me that becomes aware of me becoming aware. It doesn’t become one whole awareness.

Do something that really gets you in the flow & makes you forget everything else & lose track of time. This is normally something you're naturally good at, that makes you happy & feel good.
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Sun May 19, 2019 7:43 pm  

JonW wrote:'Yes. it seems that my mind doesn’t cope with being mindful whilst doing everyday things. Almost like it can’t cope with doing two things at the same time ie- monitoring myself at the same time as performing daily activities.'

That's an interesting way of putting it.
In my view, it's not a question of doing two things at the same time. There is no split between awareness and the activity. There is simply being aware.
Anybody else?

I thought something similar to you. I thought completing tasks mindfully was about concentrating fully on what you were doing when you were doing it instead of doing everything on autopilot with your head running at 100 M.P.H. thinking about almost everything as well as what you're doing or in some cases instead of what you're doing & giving you the running commentary & bringing up memories of the past both good & bad, telling you how things should/should have been & worrying about & planning for the future therefore rather than doing more when you're being mindful, your mind is doing less but is being more productive though slower because it's working in a more focused & efficient way than usual.
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Practice Mindfulness Since: 08 Nov 2018

Wed Jun 12, 2019 4:24 pm  

Thanks for the thread and for the answers! I actually ran into a similar issue with massive stomach aches when dealing with stressful situations. For example, a couple weeks ago, I had to do rentability estimations (read: how much time it'd take to justify the purchase if you rent them all year long) for a real estate in Ayia Napa, Cyprus... within four days. I worked something like 14 hours a day and was constantly recalculating stuff while doing the estimations for the new ones, and I still get stomach pains, like residual aches that you get after a big bruise has healed. I've notied that meditating and being mindful helps, but I can't take the time and attention I need to clear my mind when I'm working...

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Thu Jun 13, 2019 7:34 am  

I feel it's important to remind readers that mindfulness is not about clearing the mind. This is a common misconception.
Minds wander and we cannot stop them from doing so. What we can do is learn to relate differently to that wandering.
Best wishes,
Jon leads the Everyday Mindfulness group meditation on Zoom every Monday/Friday, 6pm London-time. FREE.
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Wed Jun 26, 2019 8:43 am  

We have monthly minfulness sessions at work and the person running it does an excercise which involves clearing the mind. He recommends doing this regularly a few times a week for a few mins. I used to find the time to do this easily at work and it was really enjoyable and refreshing and something I try to get back into doing.

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Wed Jun 26, 2019 11:17 am  

That's interesting, Craig.
Would it be possible for you to describe that exercise?
Jon leads the Everyday Mindfulness group meditation on Zoom every Monday/Friday, 6pm London-time. FREE.
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Thu Jun 27, 2019 9:02 am  

He does two main ones. One is focusing on breathing and the other is a body scan where you focus on your body parts one by one and if any thoughts come into the mind to acknowledge them and let them drift away.

They both do wonders for relaxing and quieting the mind for a few mins.

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Sun Jul 28, 2019 7:41 pm  

I can't add much to Jon's excellent replies. But if you're focused on your work, and keep coming back to it when your mind wanders then you're being mindful of your work / task.
Your focus is your work in this instance, you don't need to stop and meditate as you're already 'meditating' on your work.
The formal 'practice' is just that, practice. It's how you apply (to the rest of your day/ life) what you learn in your practice that matters.

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Mon Jul 29, 2019 7:01 am  

Welcome back, Mr. Piedwagtail.
Good to see you on here again.
Jon leads the Everyday Mindfulness group meditation on Zoom every Monday/Friday, 6pm London-time. FREE.
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Mon Jul 29, 2019 8:18 am  

Thanks Jon.

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