Avoiding routine in mindfulness practise

Post here if you have been practising for a while, and you are starting to get your head around what this is all about. Also post here if you are a long-term practitioner with something to say about the practice.
Posts: 41
Practice Mindfulness Since: 01 Sep 1991

Wed Aug 03, 2016 10:49 am  

Does anyone have a my tips for preventing mindfulness becoming a repetitive habitual routine that can make the mind dull rather than spontaneous and alive? Do you think that is a danger of a fixed and regular mindfulness practise?

You can see that those who pursue a system, who drive the mind into certain practices, obviously condition the mind according to that formula; therefore, the mind is not free. It is only the free mind that can discover, not a mind conditioned according to any system, whether Oriental or Occidental. Conditioning is the same, by whatever name you may call it. To see the truth, there must be freedom, and a mind that is conditioned according to a system can never see the truth.

http://www.jkrishnamurti.org/krishnamur ... 160202.php

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Posts: 2897
Practice Mindfulness Since: 08 Dec 2012
Location: In a field, somewhere

Wed Aug 03, 2016 11:34 am  

Vary meditations from week to week. Sitting with eyes closed is not the only option.
Read around the subject.
Connect with like-minded souls. I started a mindfulness meet-up group in my home town of Brighton. After three years the group had 575 members. I made some great friends through the group. It cost me less than ten pounds a month to run.
Become more active on this forum. I'm always surprised and not a little disappointed to see how many members disappear as soon as they get their questions answered. Stick around and help us grow this mindful community.
Jon leads the Everyday Mindfulness group meditation on Zoom every Monday/Friday, 6pm London-time. FREE.
Follow this link to join the WhatsApp group and receive notifications: https://chat.whatsapp.com/K5j5deTvIHVD7z71H3RIIk

Posts: 41
Practice Mindfulness Since: 01 Sep 1991

Wed Aug 03, 2016 5:01 pm  

Wow 575, that's excellent. Was that using the meetup.com website?

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Posts: 2897
Practice Mindfulness Since: 08 Dec 2012
Location: In a field, somewhere

Thu Aug 04, 2016 7:38 am  

Hi Stephen. It was, yes. I'm now living in a tent and I'm unlikely to be in one place for long so a friend has taken that group on. I'm looking into the idea of having a kind of pop-up group I could operate whenever I arrive in a new town.
Jon leads the Everyday Mindfulness group meditation on Zoom every Monday/Friday, 6pm London-time. FREE.
Follow this link to join the WhatsApp group and receive notifications: https://chat.whatsapp.com/K5j5deTvIHVD7z71H3RIIk

Posts: 41
Practice Mindfulness Since: 01 Sep 1991

Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:47 am  

Living in a tent!? By choice rather than by necessity I presume? How long have you been doing that?

Posts: 41
Practice Mindfulness Since: 01 Sep 1991

Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:54 am  

Just had a look at your website. Excellent idea, hope it goes well :-)
I'm planning on doing a podcast interviewing experienced mindfulness practitioners and I'd love to interview you for it.

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Posts: 2897
Practice Mindfulness Since: 08 Dec 2012
Location: In a field, somewhere

Thu Aug 04, 2016 10:44 am  

Hi Stephen,
It would be a pleasure to be interviewed by you.
All good things,
Jon leads the Everyday Mindfulness group meditation on Zoom every Monday/Friday, 6pm London-time. FREE.
Follow this link to join the WhatsApp group and receive notifications: https://chat.whatsapp.com/K5j5deTvIHVD7z71H3RIIk

Posts: 41
Practice Mindfulness Since: 01 Sep 1991

Thu Aug 04, 2016 5:54 pm  

Great, I'll let you know when I am set up and ready.

Posts: 41
Practice Mindfulness Since: 01 Sep 1991

Thu Aug 04, 2016 11:02 pm  

Hi Jon
Podcast all set up:
https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/min ... 87982?mt=2

Are you free next week, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evening?
Would you be able to do it over Skype?


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Posts: 1010
Practice Mindfulness Since: 01 Mar 2012
Location: Steel City

Wed Aug 10, 2016 1:07 pm  

This sounds very exciting :) I hope you get the interview done and I look forward to hearing the podcast.
“Being mindful means that we take in the present moment as it is rather than as we would like it to be.”
Mark Williams

Find me on twitter - @feehutch

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