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Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:06 am  

srry double post - :roll:
Last edited by David on Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:19 am  

I must add - that being overweight and not being into group activities seems to scare people and or make them laugh if I attempt to do such things on the side walk or in a park.

I stretch when I feel the need and do much worse things in public other than pretending to be part of the latest fads. Lets keep some of this real by "not" hemming people in based on their appearances and social aspirations.

I tend to think that is what Yoga does in the west. If you know of any Yoga links for Sick people - please let me know. My wife and I have a hard time keeping up with even the basics. My wife's MS and my obesity might make for a laughing stock to young up beat folk who think we should not be allowed to perform in public - would it be ok if we practice in our own homes.

hehe ............. lol .... I think we have as good a laugh at such ideals. No matter - we prefer to just stretch.

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Wed Nov 19, 2014 12:50 pm  

this page has some seated yoga.
it's pretty mindful, the way you're settled into the practice..
i used it to give my group something safe to follow for their home practice.

yoga is a lot, lot more than stretching.
my teacher teaches all abilities including other yoga teachers, no one is 'left behind'.
i see the movement as a means to an end.
i use it meditatively

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Wed Nov 19, 2014 1:39 pm  

This is an excellent yoga book. Highly recommended. ... lness+yoga
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Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:14 pm  

Hi Jon,

I rarely pay for advice, so like the fact there is some free information at the first link. Is that your own website?

Yoga will always remain no more than just stretching to me. "I" live in a world of cliches and for me, that is pretty much what yoga has become. I have never liked the following mentality that comes with words like "My" - example: "My doctors" - "My Therapist" I find these words often lead into traps that come with ownership and investments better off lost. (this is my trigger and I only bring it up because it highlights for me, just how much I struggle with humans and their groups)

Back in the church days, I remember people giving more attention to the leaders than they ever did the messages being taught. People also seemed more interested in becoming a leader more than a practitioner, although the word practice was cycled many times, that all anyone apparently did was practice as opposed to live.

My point in all that - is why stretching is so much more appealing than all the waffle that comes with the word Yoga for me. I have no doubt - waffle is not quite your definition. lol

Stretching will always bring me more peace than the word Yoga could ever hope to offer; given its meaning to me.

Comments I have read supporting the use of only thin people being used to advocate the benefits of Yoga frustrate me like so. That old and sick being seen to practice quickly brings out the judgement of those who boast just how zen they really be. I can not think of a more egotistical, ironic and shallow way to be. To be true, my own frustration and quick reactions also see me as self righteous and triggering like so.

I am no better myself - I am mindful of that. However my practice is not to take it on the cheek. I'll often speak out when I see people advocating negative ideals. Its when tongue and cheek comes across more of a whack!

I don't last long when there is a monastic feel in the air - to which comes with those words like "My" - which leads to "Us and Them" I really like the teachings of Buddha as well, but very much put of with the cult feel I have experience within the many groups.

This struggle of which I now speak is totally my own - please understand I am not meaning to defame you as some kind of leader with a group you call your own. None the less if I was in such a group - and in fact as I have indeed been ... I pretty much bring up such a subject with those that lead. It's in my nature to question everything - what I say now is no different that what I would say to anyone else.

I am going to do a post on my recent attempts to inquire into Buddhism - and how I found that experience to be very much the same as I found Yoga to be. Something entitled like "The Monastic Apoach" ... Not sure ...

I am sensitive to the hole concept on ownership right now - no worries - my trigger, no one else's. Would be nice if I could start my own thread about it. I think religion is allowed to be discussed - but in the Mindful Living section -> is that right?

It's well over a month off the anti-psychotics for me. ... I'm doing my best (perhaps not a good word) a little at a time and mean not to offend.

Thanks for Listening.
Dave. ;)

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Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:55 am  

Thank you so much for the link to the seated yoga. I've been looking for something like that to try out. :D
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Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:11 am  

Thanks, One of my group has limited a range of movement, she really liked it. By having the entire group follow it rather than keep adapting standing postures made it feel more inclusive.

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Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:49 am  

The therpuetic yoga class that I go to is also very inclusive. There is a lady who goes there that can only get about with crutches.

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Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:43 am  

This thread is very informative. ;)

Posts: 107

Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:22 pm  

Hi everyone. I've found this thread really interesting. I've done yoga most days for about ten years or so, by myself at home with bouts of going to classes. I think yoga and mindfulness are basically the same thing, aren't they? Except if you're doing a physical yoga practice where you move around or get into particular poses, or stretch, then you're focusing more on your body and how it feels to move it, and the breath, than on thoughts etc. which you might have as a mindfulness practice.

To me, a physical yoga practice should be about becoming aware of your body and then accepting that, however it is. I have been to lots of classes where that was preached but clearly not practised. It seems sad that it's become a byword for some elitist body fascism when that seems the total opposite of what yoga should be about. Vanda Scaravelli, who still did yoga in her 90s, says a nice thing in her book about yoga just being about the joy of moving your body and playing about with what it can do. I like that.
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