Thanks gareth
i have the book coming tomorrow n look forward to exploring everything further. I can already feel a difference in this short amout of time, purely because im thinking about the fact i NEED to slow down, so i make myself breathe n slow down n appreciate my surroundings. It doesnt last long, BUT it is helping to slow me down n it seems to be helping me to not have the feelings of anxiety, certainly not to the point i was feeling them. I was a pretty sorry state. Im sure that i have a LOT to learn, and im looking forward to learning, another feeling that has evaded me for some time. I know i have a huge way to go before i will feel anywhere near confident in myself, and i know its going to take a lot more for me to feel properley happy, but you know when u just FEEL that something is going to totally change ur life n how u live it, thats what i've got from this.
I had to take my son into the city centre today for an eye test, and its an underground train journey plus busy town, and a hot optitians..... Add a half hour wait to be seen then into a dark room with no windows...... For me, a week ago that would jave sent me into a blind panic just thinking about it. Before we left i made sure i had taken some meditation time, and just refused to think about it, more just went with the journey, and most of the trip. I went into shops i avoid usually, and when we were about to go into a shop i hate n try and avoid, my son commented and i think my reply of just going with it and breathing impressed him lol. It occured to me at that point that i WANTED the challenge, and that i thought i was going to find it almost impossible to bring mindfulness into my non medatative state, but so some degree it was right there
so high five to me again.
Tomorrow brings anither challenge, another of my sons has a dental appointment. A long journey, but im not allowing my mind to think about it and when i do, i acknowledge the apointment and allow it to leave. For now, im having an early night with a book and nothing else matters xx
Thankyou for your support. I really appreciate it xx