How to Train an Elephant (book)

Post here if you are just starting out with your mindfulness practice. Mindfulness is a really difficult concept to get your head around at first, and it might be that you would benefit from some help from others.
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Metaphysical Me
Posts: 169

Mon Dec 23, 2013 5:05 pm  

I wonder what our "meditating/ mindfulness faces" look like, haha! Hopefully not B*tchy Meditating Face! :lol:
I've been practising formal meditation for 15 years.
*~*~*~* I love keeping beginner's mind. *~*~*~*
Not a fan of mindfulness being taken tooo seriously.

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Practice Mindfulness Since: 01 Mar 2012
Location: Steel City

Sun Dec 29, 2013 9:03 am  

Well smiling does go some way towards lifting the spirits. I am struggling a little to always put this into practice though right now.

Our final week is about taking the week 2 practice of leaving no trace a step further and improving the space around us. It takes so many different threads and ties them neatly together. It seems odd that this is the last week!
“Being mindful means that we take in the present moment as it is rather than as we would like it to be.”
Mark Williams
Find me on twitter - @feehutch

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Posts: 277
Location: Oxford, UK

Sun Dec 29, 2013 7:30 pm  

I found smiling hard when I felt upset or offended or when sad or glum. Much easier when things more positive. This made me aware how I let feeling negativeative occupy too much of my thoughts and time so need to counteract this by letting myself be aware of more positive aspects of life.

Final week is leave things better than you found them should I be clearing up after 3 teenagers?

Will be good to look back on year when iget internet access back!


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Practice Mindfulness Since: 01 Mar 2012
Location: Steel City

Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:45 pm  

So we have reached the end of this journey Steve (and everyone else who has read along, popped in.)

Leaving a space improved this week has felt like a very positive experience. Rather than get caught up in feelings of this maybe becoming expected or wanting recognition for doing it, I have just felt a sense of peace in myself that I have tidied away or removed an obstacle for others.

Looking back over the last 53 weeks I have enjoyed each fresh challenge. Some have stuck in my mind more than others but none felt impossible and many provoked thoughts and feelings I didn't expect. I still find random ones pop in my head. One day I might remember to brush my teeth using my none dominant hand, another day I realise I haven't looked up much recently, or noticed the colour blue or switched off social media for a while. These are all things I am taking forward with me.

Committing to this for a year and completing it has also taught me that I can stick to this and see a project to the end. Your support has been invaluable there Steve. In a way I feel like we have both been accountable to each other and so, even when I have been left frustrated and even angry with my practice, it has never occurred to me to ditch elephant training or fib on the weeks where I struggled. Thank you for your company and wisdom along the way. This experience makes me all the more excited to start JOT 'properly' now having spent the week reading week 1 a couple of times, watching the video and reviewing the cue sheets.
“Being mindful means that we take in the present moment as it is rather than as we would like it to be.”
Mark Williams
Find me on twitter - @feehutch

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Posts: 277
Location: Oxford, UK

Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:13 pm  


Week 53: I have been tidying up the house/kitchen after the teenagers mess but what is more challenging is improving the state of my in tray at home and getting paperwork organised/processed. Progress here is slow but needs to get better with tax return looming at end of month!

I am preparing a 'summary' of the year - a mere 53 one-liners! I still have no internet access at home - presently in motorway service station on way back from taking son back to uni.

I'll try to post more fully tomorrow (when in office) or if I manage to get mobile internet connection working at home. (Talktalk/BT openreach are not my favourite companies at present!).


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Posts: 277
Location: Oxford, UK

Sun Jan 26, 2014 11:18 pm  

With apologies for the delay, I have now got half way my list of one-liners encapsulating what was most meaningful for me in the weekly practices.

On-liner summaries of what was most meaningful to me from each of the 53 weeks:

1. Doing things differently - brushing teeth left handed
2. Tidy bedroom becomes meditation santuary
3. Being aware of how I speak - often interpreted negatively when not intended
4. 'Seeing' with other senses not just my eyes
5. Doing one thing at a time, carefully and well
6. complimenting others gets a great reaction
7. Standing tall: dignity and confidently
8. Noticing the good things that happen, big or little
9. Be still and listen, savour music
10. Stop to take 3 breaths, a pause that refreshes
11. notice the sensation of touch over entire body
12. Turn waiting times into opportunities for calmness and peace
13. Switch off negativity bias of the news and experience what's actually around you
14. Being aware that my attitude and how I look at things affects everything
15. Anonymous acts of kindness are the highest forms of generosity
16. Quiet the mind for 3 breaths and repeat as needed
17. noticing transition from one space or room to another
18. Trees are an integral part of our lives; hug a tree!
19. Keep hands still, the rest of the body follows, then the mind
20. Saying 'Yes' to everything - it's whats happening, accept it and go with it
21. Noticing the colour blue, especially the sky
22. Feeling the earth with bare feet, feeling the air with bare skin
23. Objects are defined by the space around them as are sounds and thoughts
24. why rush through food/life rather than savouring/enjoying it?
25. notice desires arising, how they reveal dissatisfaction rather than acceptance
26. most of suffering is due to our thoughts which we have the power to change

I'll post the rest of the list when I have finished preparing the rest of the one-liners.

It was a great to continue this practice for 53 weeks and great to be able to share this with Fee (and others) on this forum. This made the experience much richer, provided a wider range of viewpoints and experiences to learn from and, of course, made sure that I completed the year. Thanks for working through the book with me Fee.


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