Anxiety burst during breath meditation

Post here if you are just starting out with your mindfulness practice. Mindfulness is a really difficult concept to get your head around at first, and it might be that you would benefit from some help from others.
Posts: 81
Location: California

Wed Aug 13, 2014 11:22 pm  

From you writing that your anxiety requires constant attention, is it possible you are struggling/fighting against your feelings? I would invite you to use midnfulness to give you space to simply allow your anxiety to be with you, and go on and do what you care about in life. Use mindfulness to look at anxiety objectively, it is a combination of thoughts, feelings, and emotions that are constantly changing and can never hurt you. Make space for them, allow them to be as they are (no fighting or struggling).

You also write that your fears demand your constant attention. But you know what, you don't have to GIVE them your attention. The sucky thing about anxiety is that we simply cannot control our internal experiences. The great thing about mindfulness is that it teaches us that we can control what we pay attention to and how we pay attention internal events. Your anxiety can be demanding of you, but you can also observe this (without reacting) and not let it affect your life. If you can make room for your anxiety without trying to control it, it will most likely assuage.

Posts: 17
Location: Belgium

Mon Sep 01, 2014 10:31 pm  

Just some news from my side. The anxiety bursts during meditation and my everyday activities are still present but they rotten my life me much less than before. I realized that they come from very fast self-bashing thoughts in the background of my mind with the recurrent messages I don't have time, I was better before, I will not manage.
Still a lifelong way to go, but I am convinced that I am on the right track.

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