Daily life things and automatically obsession thoughts

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Posts: 8

Fri May 10, 2013 12:13 am  


I have something that I have been more aware of the last time and that I would like to handle in a more constructive way.
This will maybe sound a bit weird.

When I do very daily life things as going on WC, taking shower, eating ( if I am alone) or doing dishes then quite often I start to think in a very automatically way.
It a bit like obsession thoughts. Its fells like it just happen by itself and its difficult for me to rule it. The thoughts in itself is not like very "harmful".
The thoughts is more about something statistic or similar. It can be about a series of football games and I go through the exactly line up, which substitute that was done in exactly which minute and things like that. Sometimes it can even be about games that i make up in my mind. ( I understand if all this sounds weird).

I guess I was starting to doing this several years ago with the purpose to have something to think about during boring moments. Now it sometimes just happen automatically, without that I do a active choice to think about it.
It s happen a bit more often when I have anxiety or is feeling down. I guess that it is some kind of escape to something that I can feel that I have control over when i feel that I don’t have any control over myself and my life. There is something tempting about if. I can get positive feelings.

It’s a bit like a feeling killer. I lose a bit of contact with my feelings and get more contact with my automatic thinking and something like a fantasy world. For the moment I can like to be there, but in the longer run I don’t think its constructive.

After I can sometimes feel away from my feeling and a bit like a robot.

So far, I have not really manage to use the mindfulness meditation during this daily life’s moment. This is not like a very big problem. But I think one step forward for me would be to handle this better. I guess that I should just continue to try to observe my thoughts but not following them. As I can sometimes do when I sit down and just meditate. But so far I haven’t succeed.

Is anyone having some thoughts/comments/advice about this ?

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Location: Leeds, UK

Fri May 10, 2013 8:21 am  

Hi Bixente

I have OCD that has manifested in all sorts of ways over the years so coming from my world no obsession seems odd :)

I listened to a good podcast the other day on www.audiodharma.org that spoke about delusion. The woman giving the talk spoke about these automatic states the mind can get into, and actually suggested that they can sometimes be a useful tool. Moreover, she spoke about how to be mindful whilst in the state. It's not something I have considered much further since listening to the podcast, so I can't give you any more insight than that.

If you want to listen to it, go to the above website then look for 'recognising delusion' by Andrea Fella on 2013-03-05

God himself culminates in the present moment, and will never be more divine in the lapse of all the ages - Henry David Thoreau, Walden: or, Life in the Woods

Posts: 8

Fri May 10, 2013 10:58 am  

Thank you!

I will listen to this podcast.

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Location: Huddersfield, UK

Tue May 14, 2013 9:28 am  

Sure, you can train it out of you if you feel that it's going overboard. Again, with straight discipline to bring your attention back to what you're doing. However, these moments can also spark the genius in you, so maybe it's telling you that you could be looking at using this skill more in your life. That's how I see it as I write music and a lot of things come to me when I'm doing mundane tasks.

You never know, you could he destined to working with football stats in some shape or form ;)
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