The Charles Lindem method?

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Posts: 8

Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:15 pm  

Hi there, just curious to know if anyone has gone through The Lindem method? I had/have an anxiety disorder after a trauma earlier in the year and decided to see if Mindfulness could help me break the negative thought patterns. I am only into my 2nd month of the Headspace programme and it does seem to allow me to see the thoughts as just thoughts so all good there, I do however still get anxiety symptoms such as shortness of breath. chest tightness etc.

I receive the Lindem email updates each day and the claims seem to be very impressive, over 155,000 anxiety sufferers helped, also has a money back gaurantee but something is stopping me signing up to full course. I have read reviews here and there which suggest its simply a version of CBT asking the user to use distration methods all day until you train the brain, I'm sure it cant be that simple!

Has anyone ever used the Linden Method or have any views on it?


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Practice Mindfulness Since: 01 Mar 2012
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Tue Dec 17, 2013 11:00 pm  

I've not heard of that method, do you have more details you can share?
“Being mindful means that we take in the present moment as it is rather than as we would like it to be.”
Mark Williams
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Posts: 8

Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:05 pm  

Hi again, yes the url to his website is over here -, certainly seems to have enough testimonials from 'celebs' and people around the world to suggest the methods may indeed work, in days on some people. Also seems to have a good support team around him who are available all day, so very tempting..

I have been through CBT and exhausted internet material on distraction techniques so wanted to avoid that route where possible, curious as to how these people can eliminate anxiety so quickly to so many. From some reviews I have read this is Charles Lindems style of CBT which I dont think would work for me.

I am happy with the mindfulness meditation and will continue but anything to reduce the anxiety symptoms is always interesting to me..


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Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:17 pm  

I used to suffer from extreme anxiety. It is much more under control these days.

I looked into The Linden Method. However, I felt ultimately that it wasn't to be trust. I read a number of bad reviews which really put me off. In the end I used the website which was a much (much!) smaller financial commitment and which I found very useful.

Since using that I developed CFS. After developing CFS I started using a the Gupta Programme which is specifically designed to treat CFS. However, the method is essentially focused on down-regulating the amygdala (similar to anxietycentre method) and thus reducing anxiety, so it has also been extremely helpful for my anxiety disorder and is actually now being marketed to treat anxiety disorders too. The Gupta Programme, in conjunction with mindfulness, lovingkindness, distraction, and psychotherapy, will be the final nail in the coffin of both my CFS and anxiety.

It has been a long journey with my anxiety and I am just now starting to really get a good grip. The better I get the more I realise how ill I have been. It can take a long time but I have the utmost confidence that anyone is capable of addressing their issues if they really work at it. My main piece of advice, whatever you decide to do, is to pick a path and really stick to it for at least 6 months. Habits of a lifetime won't change overnight. Moreover there are many ways up the mountain. Addressing your issues will take commitment, hard work and patience, but the payoff is huge.

Best of luck to you whatever you decide to do.
God himself culminates in the present moment, and will never be more divine in the lapse of all the ages - Henry David Thoreau, Walden: or, Life in the Woods

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