Show Us Your Blogs!

Please post your mindfulness stories here and your story might also feature on our blog (with your permission). You can also introduce yourself here. We want to create a library of mindful journeys and experiences.
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Posts: 1465

Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:09 pm  

I like it Shimmy.

We would probably like something a touch longer to host on the main site.

Jon is doing some work on blogs for us. If you want to work with him, send me an email with a link to the blog, and I'll put you guys in touch.

Posts: 1

Tue Jun 17, 2014 2:13 pm  

Hello! I just joined the forums as recommended by your twitter @mindfuleveryday to talk about blogs and sharing stories. I just started sharing blogs on my sight: and I was asking @mindfuleveryday if they would be interested in posting a guest blog at my site.

As you can see, my blog is not about mindfulness; it's about depression, bereavement, different kinds of loss, and mental health. But that is exactly where Everyday Mindfulness could be a great guest blog! Steps to taking control of your depression, your grief, your mental health could come from the things discussed in all the blogs posted here.

So this is me, a humble little actor who has been moved to speak out for people like my brother who died by suicide - people who didn't have the money to see someone, people who were turned away from the hospitals, people who want to change but don't know how, people who want help but don't know what that means - I want them to know they are 1. Not alone 2. There are things they can do for FREE/at home right now that may be of service to their plight.

If anyone wants to guest blog I will happily take submissions at adriannasemail @

It is about everything listed above. It can be instructional. It can be personal. It can be both. I have my intro blog up and my first guest blog posted. Again, I'm just starting out so there isn't much to show off at this point.

Thanks for reading, and all the best to you and yours,

from "Everything But the Cat..."

Posts: 2

Mon Sep 15, 2014 1:30 pm  

Its still quite new, but its growing.

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