The Oblivious Approach.

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Fri Nov 21, 2014 11:42 pm  

Whilst a set of circumstances will give set results, mine have helped me to see how futile any approach becomes; the more one focuses on becoming more than what one already is. (self reflection/self definition ... acceptance with what has been - to let go and be content with what is -> So is as I would like to write.)

The following statement comes from all the sales and tellings I often see as people avoid talking about the experience of suffering. (downplay it and even speak negatively about negativity) I can see how my frustration comes through with such a statement - but it is as it is for now, so will let it ride.)
It's like looking for a ball of positivity that excludes anything negative at all. Perfectionism to the extreme. Often sort out in the Practice of anything with the sole purpose to obtain.
(additionally - I genuinely "feel" a conflict in teachings that strive for more than what already is - possibly my biggest conflict with rebirth - what is -> "already is" ... something I think jon-kabat-zin speaks "simply" about ... therefore I really struggle with all the dogma and rituals surround otherwise attractive teachings - aka - basic Buddhist texts (text are so often taken out of contexts with English being the worst culprit) ... not the Western or even Eastern cult like clicks.)

The above is no more than an attempt to deliver something off my chest. Something I am struggling with as I sift through a lot of self betterment, and philosophy styled text. My approach is nearing a point that goes beyond the usual meaning of words - beyond the cliche of overused and misconstrued words. I got to say, that right now ... Oblivion is looking really good. I don't talk in the English definition of it being a stupid and unaware approach - I'm thinking more in terms of having no past or future at all - that to me is an approach with no existence other than being - being here, being now - no thinking - but just being ... yet something else which different for different folk ... something like that at any rate. I don't like to think much at all, let alone thinking in anything that is called main stream or close to scholastic. Education in my book that emanates from a world as in my reality ... is indeed a dangerous thing.

Now whilst I come up with such terms as the "blissful blinkered band wagon" I often see myself as one with flailing arms who knows no more than a bottomless pit.

If your not smiling - I am. This Oblivious I approach of which I'd like to elude, does seek for something, but nothing in particular at all. (It boast no formal qualifications, certifications, or need to learn from others at all -)

For now, that shall be my morning post. I would like to lead off into some conflict I am having with this whole "re-birth" thing ... that Buddhists "believe" and why the middle ground is so appealing - yet seems full of yet more religious traps. I don't mind being a little philosophical, but think just like atheism, it can be intellectualized too much which leads into the whole mess of being wrong and right which leads into Us and Them and so on.

I don't know! - which is why I need to write somewhere and something. To embrace one phrase quite literally ... "I'm just saying is all" ... which too leads into Telling, which of course is not the greatest of acts.

I guess better said - sifting beyond the general text. A lot of resistance no doubt to my tone, however does not really feel that way from where I sit. lol ... I smile again. Now under the impression of self righteousness as I ponder to think on another's thought. lol - there I go again ... To be true, I am my only audience, but like that fact that perhaps another may decide to tune on in. Tis my hope, but with no expectation as best I learn such a word.

My thoughts on Rebirth comes next. Seems like another version of hell or maybe Not? ... Does that make sense? Seems wrong to me at any rate - Seems to conflict ... I'm not sure why ... but have been listening to some guy called Stephen as he gives many talks on why he also struggles with much of the Buddhist and or It's misconceptions - I get a feel that same struggles to interpretation are as rife as they are with the Christian belief ... I really don't know yet --- just intrigued ... more so ... I think it's the next level that comes before cracking open my egg. "Chirp Chirp" (no offense intended to those who believe - just making space in my crammed head)

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Location: In a field, somewhere

Sat Nov 22, 2014 2:36 pm  

Hi David,
Not sure I follow a lot of what you've written there. I'm finding it difficult to see what it has to do with mindfulness which is a wonderfully simple approach to being present.
All best,
Jon leads the Everyday Mindfulness group meditation on Zoom every Monday/Friday, 6pm London-time. FREE.
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Sat Nov 22, 2014 10:51 pm  

Last edited by David on Sat Nov 22, 2014 10:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sat Nov 22, 2014 10:51 pm  

It's OK Jon - I'll take my difficult text to another place. I "heed" your correction.

I can only refer to Jon-Kabat-Zins talk of Mindfulness being Simple, but Not Easy.

I did ask where I could talk religion. However got no reply on that.

My practice to mindfulness includes observing things that do not always resonate so easily.

I don't think Mindfulness is a simple as we make it out to be. That's OK too.


Rebirth seems to be more what we take with us from post to post (minute to minute) than it seems anything to do with another life. Another life seems no more than another box of rewards.

No need to reason any further Jon - I hear you loud and clear. Perhaps a little more focus is needed. I know I gave it one hell of a try - Felt good to me.

Sorry I could not get any further - I feel it was about to come out of the wash. - 'll just bring the rewards for you next time and tip the dirty water out some place else.

No best wishes - (you only get what you put in) - too shallow a world we live in for froth like that. I am careful how I hide from the truth. (Too much kidding ourselves seems rife in this world) - noise need not be such a difficult thing.

Was trying to reach - no doubt I overstepped. Srry for that.

Thanks Jon.
Last edited by David on Sat Nov 22, 2014 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sat Nov 22, 2014 11:00 pm  

For me, religion has nothing to do with mindfulness. It's simply a mental exercise -applying the mind. Sure, sometimes seems hard but that's more to do with what's going on in one's life (and head) rather than mindfulness per se.
Best wishes, notwithstanding
Paul ;)

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Sat Nov 22, 2014 11:03 pm  

Hi Paul.

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Sat Nov 22, 2014 11:05 pm  

This post is not about Mindfulness Per Say ... I think I am not in the right place. My Bad. I did however think I could take some kind of journey without the need to be corrected like so.

Again - My Bad ... I should of realized not to discuss like so. I can see how it disturbs the peace.

What may have nothing to do with what we term or box, most certainly for me affects me very much. Yet another kink in the chain of Criticism.

I too am looking for peace. ;)

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Sun Nov 23, 2014 12:59 pm  

Hi David,
With respect, this is a mindfulness forum.
As much as possible, we try to keep the conversational threads on the forum relevant to mindfulness.
The last thing we want to be is censorious. However, when the conversation veers too far away from the subject of mindfulness, it can be confusing for people, particularly newcomers to the site. For this reason we prefer to keep it as simple and straightforward as possible.
I wish you well,
Jon leads the Everyday Mindfulness group meditation on Zoom every Monday/Friday, 6pm London-time. FREE.
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