

We currently don’t offer online courses, but we do offer free group meditations on Zoom.

Join Everyday Mindfulness every Monday and Friday @ 6pm (London time) for group meditation on Zoom.

An hour of mindfulness meditation and gentle inquiry, led by qualified teacher Jon Wilde.

Suitable for beginners and more experienced meditators alike.

Completely FREE!

Follow this link to join our WhatsApp group:

Notification of sessions will be posted every Friday on the WhatsApp page.

About Jon:

Having worked as a journalist for most of his adult life, Jon is now a fully qualified mindfulness teacher, mentor and recovery motivator.

His meditations are geared towards enhancing attention, awareness, deep listening, self-compassion and personal transformation.

He has been part of the Everyday Mindfulness team since 2013.

Physical courses

The Netherlands

One of our team members (Peter) has personally participated in an 8 week mindfulness course by Ad van Knippenberg in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Peter is impressed by the way Ad teaches mindfulness and what an inspirational human being Ad is. Therefore, Ad deserves an Everyday Mindfulness Certificate. One can find more information about his courses on his Dutch websites: