by Desire Klingensmith For anyone who’s experienced grief, the pain of waking is familiar. Of course, it’s not actually waking up that’s painful, but reality washing over you again. You wake up and your memories blossom one moment later. My eyes opened onto the walls of my run-down, one bedroom apartment. It was early July. […]
Keeping The Flame Of Mindfulness Alight
One of the challenges of developing a mindfulness practice can be found in those two words – ‘developing’ and ‘practice’. Most of us come to mindfulness because we want something to change, and so we tend to see it as a potential solution, and have an idea in mind of where we’d like to get […]
Mindfulness and Me
by Kirsty Morgan When I first found out about ‘mindfulness’, or more importantly my lack of it, it was a few years ago on the back of some management training. At the time I had recently had a promotion and was working part-time, juggling parenting and working (along with all the other obligations that life […]
The healing power of poetry – a key to contemplation and tranquillity
by Gabi Reigh Who reads poetry these days? Going by the sales figures of poetry books, it would be fair to conclude that it is only a small minority of people. This is understandable, in many ways; when we find space in our frenetic lives to read, we look for something that will entertain us, […]
Making Friends With My Anxiety
As a wellbeing coach and mindfulness teacher, I don’t just share from the theory of mindfulness, but from my own experience too. Here’s my own story about how mindfulness and self-kindness transformed my relationship with anxiety – from outright war, to acceptance and befriending. This process unfolded for me some years ago, and I’ve included […]
Practicing Mindfulness Every Day
by Matthew Jones It was 5 a.m. when I found out the results of the 2016 election. The sun had yet to lift its head above the horizon, and the narrow Barcelona alleyway where I lived was still dormant. I’d fallen asleep before the results were official on the other side of the pond, and […]
My Mindfulness Journey
by Alex Moore My story begins five years ago, when I was first diagnosed with a mental illness. Like many others in my situation, the first verdict wasn’t the right one at all. What doctors first pinned down as being a case of borderline personality disorder quickly evolved into full-blown schizophrenia. It took them two […]
This Too Shall Pass
by Susan Shea We recently lost my mother-in-law to cancer. Her diagnosis was a shock, and we lost her less than two months after her cancer was discovered. One day, my husband returned from visiting with her and said he didn’t know what to talk about with her now because he realized that much of […]