How Far I’ve Come

By Ruth Rosselson I’m flaring at the moment quite badly. In fact, it’s probably the worst overall flare I’ve had for quite a considerable length of time. Years I think. I’m in some sort of pain constantly. The elbow flare which has been in my elbow since September, is limiting my arm mobility a little […]

Why Daily Practice Is Important

By Mark Westmoquette “Meditation is a bit like walking out on a very misty day. Although it’s not actually raining, after a while of being out you can get very wet.” ~ Brian Thompson Is daily practice important? I guess it all depends on what you’re doing it for. And what the “it” is. Going […]

On My Way Home

This is Mary’s journey to mindfulness… On My Way Home I have always had the spirit of an explorer. And quite a long time ago I started the exploration that I vaguely called “finding my real self.” I didn’t even have the slightest idea of what I was looking for or why, but I knew […]

Mindfulness Is More Than A Set Of Techniques

Thank you to Danny for this wonderful piece. Danny agreed to write a blog for us a little while back, and I had kind of forgotten about it until it landed in my inbox a few days ago. I really enjoyed this as a piece, and it has made me reflect on my own practice. […]