10 Ways Mindfulness Has Made Me Happier

People often ask me if mindfulness has ‘worked’ for me, and if so, how.  It’s become so obvious to me how the practice has improved my life, that sometimes I don’t think to be explicit about this.  So I thought maybe it was time to do just that. These benefits have unfolded over the last […]

From Chaos To Calm

By Kathleen Hoyle   Over the past couple of years I have been through just about every major life event there is: death of a parent, moving house, changing job and, to top it off, partner of over 10 years leaving. Needless to say, I was feeling some stress and anxiety. Fortunately, in September of […]

The power of positive thinking…is a myth.

By Jon Andre I was a self-improvement junkie for many years. From my early days reading the classics on positive thinking to my later years listening to the guidance of modern-day gurus, I’ve always been driven by the desire to improve and – to quote a popular phrase – “be my best self.” One thing […]

Uncovering Happiness Symposium

Our friend, Dr. Elisha Goldstein, just launched his first online Happiness Symposium. He is an expert on this topic and shares cutting-edge mindfulness and self-compassion techniques that you can implement immediately to help you transform your life. The program includes a series of interviews with 20+ amazing happiness experts including Tara Brach, Byron Katie, Rick […]

Dealing with the Darkness of Chronic Illness: How Mindfulness Helps Me to Turn on the Light

By Kate Libby The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything but they make the most of everything. ~ Sam Cawthorn Very early on in my illness, only a month or so after diagnosis, a neurologist who had been involved in some of my diagnostic testing urged me to try out mindfulness meditation. […]

Interview with Singhashri Gazmuri

Singhashri Gazmuri’s life was transformed after she discovered meditation at the age of 21. She is now employed as programme director at Breathworks. Here she describes her mindfulness journey and how she is helping to bring Breathworks to the USA. Singhashri was interviewed by Jon Wilde in May 2015.   Everyday Mindfulness: Growing up, did […]

Mindfulness and Enriching Your Travel Experience

By Piers McEwan For many, travel as an experience is a precious commodity, often guarded by time and budgetary constraints.  It seems clear, then, that it is an activity to treasure and to savour to the best of one’s ability.  But how might we look to do that; how might we look to enrich our […]

The Hidden Beauty In Your Struggle

Have you ever had that sinking feeling?  You know, the one when you felt like you were coping well with life, happy even, and then – bam! – here comes yet another struggle.   You wonder ‘why me?, haven’t I had my share of problems already?’, and ‘what’s wrong with me that I can’t just get […]