Family Mindfulness: 3 Ways I Share My Practice

When people learn that I’m a mindfulness teacher, I’m often asked about how to use mindfulness with your kids.  This is an interesting question for me as a parent.  My professional training and experience is in teaching adults (I don’t teach kids’ classes), but I do share my own mindfulness practice with my son.  I […]

Bringing Calm To The Classroom

By Timothy Iverson I sit on my pillow in a quiet space, surrounded by sympathetic adults. Under me, the cool hardwood floors. Nearby, the tick of a clock. The instructor leads us gently through a tour of our minds, sharing  insights to transform our lives. I have not known peace like this for decades. I […]

Why I Wake Up at 4:45am to Meditate Every Day

By Sarah Rudell Beach When I give a presentation about mindfulness, the most common question people ask me at the end of my session is this: “How has mindfulness helped YOU?” I think what they’re really asking is, Is this whole meditation thing worth it? Am I actually going to see some changes in my life if I […]

Conversations About Meditation

I was talking with a new student recently, and he expressed concerns about his practice. His concerns were mostly steeped in common misconceptions about meditation. These misconceptions are prevalent, and lead to an unskillful approach as well as goals and expectations that aren’t likely to be met. I recount the conversation below – it should […]

Using Mindfulness to Calm Toddler Tantrums

by Liz Lowe Today it was because I’d mixed the blue paint and the yellow paint to make green, and the toddler wasn’t ready for that particular discovery. Yesterday it was because I wouldn’t let her take one bite out of every apple in the fruit bowl and lick all the dates. We’re in the […]

How Mindfulness Changed my Perspective of Work

by Chloe Clarkson The office is quiet. For the first time this year I’ve stayed late, determined to complete my last tasks of the day. There is much to do but I am content, and I will not be staying too long. I am staying in because I want to. A couple of years ago, […]

Why do we need a mindfulness book with a focus on women?

by Vidyamala Burch, Co-Author, Mindfulness for Women Some of you reading this may already know my story or perhaps be aware of the work of Breathworks so perhaps you know that my journey with mindfulness has mainly focussed on health, stress and illness. Then why have I made such a departure from my main focus […]

Living Rightly: A Life of Examination and Wonder

by Gavriel Elkind “Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell me about it.” –Mary Oliver, from “Sometimes” The sun is setting over the Charles River. I am walking home from work and humming along to “Taking It In” by James Taylor. I’m still several blocks away from the Harvard Bridge when I catch […]