The Unexpected Gift: How Meditating Let Me Write Again

by Susan Barr-Toman I was trying meditation out of desperation. I’d read that it could calm your thoughts and give you a sense of peace. My goal—to keep it together, to maintain functionality. My husband’s cancer had returned and this time it was terminal. The practice, as I understood it, was to focus on my […]

Through Confusion With The Help Of Mindfulness

By Jake Kessler “I know, things are getting tougher when I can’t get the top off the bottom of the barrel.” ~ Jesse Michaels No one thought I was going to live to see 20. Including me. In fact, I vividly remember telling my father that it would be miraculous if I saw 25. It […]

Being With Sadness

Sadness is as much a part of life as happiness.  We may wish that wasn’t true, and it can be easy to believe that loss is what happens to other people. Until it happens to you. And then you’re flung into a new world that you have no training for, feeling totally lost and without […]

One Of The Worst Days

By Ana V. Ramirez  I have much more experience with loss than I wish I had. This is the story of one of those losses, my heartbreak and how mindfulness helped me to get through it. It was my birthday, and I was planning the sort of afternoon that makes me happy: a trip to […]

Nothing stays as it is, everything changes and mindfulness is the gift that helps us accept that

By Singhashri Gazmuri Here’s a truth. If you think you’ve got it wrong, you’re right. You’ve got it wrong. You’ve got it absolutely wrong. I learned this hard truth at age 16 when the relief of death finally came for my mother – and for me. We weren’t particularly close, in fact we fought endlessly. She […]