Mindful Parenting

by Rachel Barr Some of us might use mindfulness to cope with the pressures of parenting and our busy lives but what if mindfulness practice became a fundamental part of the way we parented, allowing kindness and compassion to embrace and support us in our role as parents? I am someone who has taken a […]

What Dogs Can Teach Us about Inner Peace

by Ellie Batchiyska Last week, as I was sitting for my daily guided meditation, the narrator instructed me to pay attention to the sounds and sensations around me. Eyes closed, legs crossed, hands resting in my lap, there was one particular sensation I couldn’t get my attention away from: a heavy breathing on my knee. […]

Mindfulness and Seeing More Clearly

by Alexandra Ratcliffe Let me be clear: I am not recommending cataract surgery unless you have a cataract that needs to be removed, but I have recently joined the club of those who now see you more clearly, having, out of necessity, had it done. And I am overwhelmed and inspired by the experience, which […]

One Bite, Then Another: How to Cultivate a Habit of Mindful Eating

by Lakshmi Jagad Our mind is a stimulation junkie. When it comes to eating, it races faster than the tongue can taste and the teeth can chew. How can we cultivate a mindful approach to the simple act of eating? I used to be a slow eater as a child. My mother would lose patience […]

Don’t Let Your Life Pass You By: Be Mindful

by Alexandra Ratcliffe   Have you ever been walking gently on a treadmill when you hit a button by mistake and you stopped suddenly with a jolt?  Hopefully that never happened to you whilst running full speed ahead or you would have been catapulted over the machine and you wouldn’t be here to read this […]

Why I Left Finance to Start a Meditation Company

by Liam McClintock By most traditional American measures of success I was doing well. Except for one: I wasn’t happy. After graduating from Yale University and securing a sturdy job at a private equity firm in Boston, I faced the reckoning that many college grads seem to get blindsided by. Nothing about the late nights […]

Heartbreak: How Mindfulness and Meditation Helped Me Heal

by Desire Klingensmith For anyone who’s experienced grief, the pain of waking is familiar. Of course, it’s not actually waking up that’s painful, but reality washing over you again. You wake up and your memories blossom one moment later. My eyes opened onto the walls of my run-down, one bedroom apartment. It was early July. […]

Mindfulness and Me

by Kirsty Morgan When I first found out about ‘mindfulness’, or more importantly my lack of it, it was a few years ago on the back of some management training. At the time I had recently had a promotion and was working part-time, juggling parenting and working (along with all the other obligations that life […]