by Jake Kessler Although I am not a formal meditation teacher, I get an opportunity a few times a week to share my experience and to help facilitate a few groups with other aspiring practitioners. We all are bound by a belief that spiritual living is more than a coping mechanism. It’s a way of […]
How Mindfulness Saved My Life
by Hillary Goldthwait-Fowles Life is filled with choices. One choice can send you down a road that is filled with joy, love, and laughter. One choice can send you down a road filled with addiction, shame, blame, and guilt. One choice can keep you in the prison of unawareness. One choice can liberate you to […]
The Wonder Compass: Mindfulness Nature Photography
Words & photos by Molly Triplett Growing up as an apprentice to nature, I had the opportunity early on to find vast internal and external stillness while moving through the wooded trails and open fields where I was raised. On horseback, I had a perfect vantage point from which to witness hawks soaring above and […]
What Running Taught Me About Meditation
by Annie Mueller It was really my impending birthday that motivated me: the idea of edging closer to 40, still carrying an extra 40 pounds, didn’t sit well. My decision to start running was very much ego-driven, not enlightenment-fuelled. I found a simple program for beginning runners that promised to have me running an hour […]
Through Confusion With The Help Of Mindfulness
By Jake Kessler “I know, things are getting tougher when I can’t get the top off the bottom of the barrel.” ~ Jesse Michaels No one thought I was going to live to see 20. Including me. In fact, I vividly remember telling my father that it would be miraculous if I saw 25. It […]
Into the Open: Teaching Meditation By Example
by Jake Kessler I have meditated for over half my life (I know, I know, not particularly impressive at 33…). It did not always look like meditation, and I did not always refer to it as such, but the driving need to introspectively understand my universe is an ever-present presence, a benevolent spectre in my […]
The Mindful Art Of Noticing
by Joanna Mechlinski Until fairly recently, I had never heard of mindfulness. But I soon realized that I’d been doing it for years without even realizing it. Ever since I adopted my first dog eight years ago, I’ve looked forward to our daily walks as a time of quiet introspection. Whether it’s first thing in […]
How Mindfulness Transformed My Life
by Chloe Bennet You might wonder how being mindful changes anything really. This is the first thing people ask me when I tell them about my mindfulness journey. This is the first thing I asked when I first heard about mindfulness. It seemed impossible to me that something so simple could change my life. I […]