Being in the Body

How Mindfulness Soothes, Reconnects and Affirms in the Face of Chronic Pain By Paige Zuckerman “Going through the motions” is generally a euphemism imbued with tedium and routine. For a body in pain, ‘the motions’ can feel like a mountain’s climb, that one could move along with little connection to the complexity of the movement […]

How to Beat Panic Attacks: 3 Simple Mindfulness Techniques

By Krista Lester “By living deeply in the present moment we can understand the past better and we can prepare for a better future.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh When I was in high school, a hit-and-run car accident changed my world. My boyfriend at the time lost his nineteen-year-old brother to the accident. I had never […]

Life after bread pudding…a mindful eating journey

By Klia Bassing Bread pudding–that’s what brought me to meditation practice. I remember walking past Marvelous Market in Washington D.C.’s Dupont Circle late in the year 2000. I’d recently decided to give up processed flour and sugar in an effort to curb my nightly cravings and overeating. A friend in recovery from food-related addictions had […]

The Mindfulness Habit: From Mindlessness To Mindfulness

 By Sharon Bull “Transformation is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end” ~ Robin Sharma I liken mindfulness to any other new activity or skill we wish to embrace. Just as learning to play an instrument requires practice and dedication, so does a change in our thought process. In whatever […]

3 Big Reasons to be a Mindful Parent

By Kellie Edwards The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh What reaction do you have inside when you are talking to someone and they check their text messages? Or when you try to tell your partner about something […]

Three Reasons You Should Eat Mindfully

By Chris Bailey 1. You’ll lose weight Overeating isn’t the only cause of obesity, but it’s way more difficult to overeat when you actively pay attention to what, and how much you’re eating. The connection between mindless eating and obesity is well documented, and actually quite profound. For example, according to research conducted at Cornell […]

Retreat Into Your Life

By Sheila Bayliss The first mindfulness retreat I went on, I got a bit of a shock. I was expecting a cozy week of blissed-out relaxation and freedom from the pressures of day-to-day life. But a retreat isn’t necessarily about getting away from your difficulties – for me, it can be about giving myself space […]

Interview with Ianna Hondros-McCarthy

Ianna Hondros-McCarthy is one of the newest and most distinctive voices in the mindfulness field. Her debut book (Stickier Rice, Clearer Purpose), part travelogue, part introduction to mindfulness practice, is already being hailed as a modern classic. Ianna was interviewed for Everyday Mindfulness by Jon Wilde in June 2014. EVERYDAY MINDFULNESS: Did you have strong […]