In Honour of my Friend: A Message from the Dying

by Alex Ratcliffe I have a friend who is terminally ill; she does not have very long to live. And as often happens with these things, she was blindsided with the diagnosis and the prognosis: inoperable. She has faced the inevitable with her typically inspiring strength, dignity and wisdom. Nevertheless, through the tears and the […]

Interview With Elisha Goldstein

One of the leading figures in the mindfulness field, Elisha Goldstein PH. D is a psychologist, author and speaker, based in West Los Angeles. His bestselling books include A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook (with Bob Stahl, foreword by Jon Kabat-Zinn), Mindfulness Meditations For The Anxious Traveler and The Now Effect: How This Moment Can Change […]

The Moods of Others: A Study of Grumpiness

by Anabel Dealing with unpleasant emotions of others is not always easy – especially when it comes to people who are highly sensitive. According to author Elaine N. Aron, 15-20% of humans are genetically destined to be HSPs (Highly Sensitive Persons). As a consequence, their brains process information on a deeper level, causing the individual […]

Mindfulness And The Power Of Appreciation

by Alex Ratcliffe Not long ago in my capacity as a classroom teacher, I gave an assembly to the whole school on the topic of “Appreciation”, a quality which I saw could perhaps be, well, more appreciated amongst the young people I was teaching and caring for. To my surprise, it was incredibly well-received. I […]

The 7 Habits of Highly Mindful People

by Mellissa O’Brien The intention to live a more mindful life is continuing to grow and touch an increasing amount of people. In fact 2014 was been dubbed ‘the year of mindful living.’ May 2015 only grow and deepen this mindful revolution and may these tips I share today serve you to find more peace […]

Christmas Haste

by Anabel December really is the ideal month to observe yourself mindfully when undergoing stress. There are deadlines. There are important birthdays to remember. And do not get me started on Christmas preparations. Think about it. When does the white noise of constant pressure-chatter start? When you open your eyes after too short a night of […]

A (mindful) party for one!

People live or spend time alone for all kinds of reasons; some by choice, some by circumstance. Some hate to be alone, while others relish the freedom that solitude brings. The chances are that at some point in our lives we will find ourselves alone for various reasons. Sometimes we’ll find fun in getting to […]

Mindfulness and the Stress Threat

by Anabel Last Thursday I decided it was a smart idea to check my phone during a 5-minute break in the stress reduction course I am attending. It was a terrible but, in retrospect, hilarious mistake. Here I am paying for an 8-week course on how to be mindful in times of stress and can’t leave […]