Mindfulness as the Wisdom of No Escape

By Ira Rechtshaffer The practice of ‘being’ is a very rare activity. Very few human beings in our postmodern world understand or appreciate the value of sitting attentively in silence and stillness. Mindfulness meditation is like sitting by the bank of a great stream. The stream’s strong currents carry our many memories, our rich tapestry […]

Don’t Give Up! Four Stages on the Path of Mindfulness

By Amy McMillan Mindfulness is becoming more popular day by day.  Often viewed as a panacea for every mental and physical ailment, it seems that there is nothing it can’t help.  However, before jumping onto the bandwagon, it is important to note what mindfulness is not.  It is not a quick fix.  It is not […]

Interview with Suryacitta

Suryacitta, also known The Happy Buddha, began practicing mindfulness meditation in 1989 and started teaching in 1996.   He now teaches mindfulness meditation in Leicester, the East Midlands and nationwide. He runs workshops and longer mindfulness retreats in the UK and Europe. He also leads events on loving kindness/compassion meditation. His first book Happiness And How It […]

Responding Not Reacting: Mindfulness Lessons From The Martial Arts

By Robert Plotkin Most of my exposure to mindfulness has been through my study of martial arts. I was introduced to martial arts in, what I have learned, is a very common way: as a result of getting beaten up in the fifth grade.  It was a typical way to get beaten up back then—another […]

When the World is Too Much With Us: Do Just One Thing

By Alex Ratcliffe Do you know the old joke/story: “Why worry? There are only two things to worry about…” Well, no, there aren’t. There are an infinite number of things to worry about. And they will never end. You can group worries into stages of life. When does a baby, I wonder, start to worry? […]

Nothing stays as it is, everything changes and mindfulness is the gift that helps us accept that

By Singhashri Gazmuri Here’s a truth. If you think you’ve got it wrong, you’re right. You’ve got it wrong. You’ve got it absolutely wrong. I learned this hard truth at age 16 when the relief of death finally came for my mother – and for me. We weren’t particularly close, in fact we fought endlessly. She […]

11 Ways to Bring More Mindfulness Into Your Life Today

By Mellissa O’Brien One of the most common questions I’m asked these days is “how can I bring more mindfulness into my everyday life?” So today I’ll share the 11 strategies I find most effective and commonly use to infuse mindfulness into my whole day. I hope you try them out for yourself and experience first hand the transformative power of […]

3 Quick Mindfulness Practices to Overcome Worry, Anxiety and Panic

By Jodie Gien Whether we admit it or not, we all worry. You might worry about the big things, like relationships, your job or your direction in life. Or it may be small niggly things like your to-do list and stewing over a comment you wish you hadn’t made. Worrying is completely normal but when your […]