Inwards and Outwards

by Esther Andrews I practically danced into our kitchen after coming home from work. The underfloor heating leapt into my bare soles with delicious warmth. “You know, I feel so happy tonight,” I declared to my husband. “Happy?” he responded, suspiciously. Of course he was delighted, but he had a right to be surprised. I had hadn’t […]

Exhausted Mothers, It’s Not Your Fault that You Feel Like This

by Kellie Edwards I felt like that, too. I was head over heels in love with my daughters, but that didn’t protect me. I had been so determined to be the best mother I could be that I dedicated myself to the job beyond reason and became exhausted and depleted in the process. I wondered […]

Learning To Love Meditation

By Jacqueline Atta-Hayford The very first time I attempted to meditate was in my first year of secondary school. We were on a class retreat. The reason why is vague in my memory, but the exercise was intended to get us all to relax and open ourselves up to the experience of the day more. […]

Imagine all the people…

By Alex Ratcliffe Imagine waking up and all your troubles were gone. Imagine feeling at complete peace. Imagine you had a clean slate, like a child; the baggage of the past didn’t exist and the future was just a thought you didn’t have yet. Imagine hearing the sweetest, most uplifting, heart-stirring music you’ve ever heard, […]

Natural Mindfulness

By Ian Banyard Some of my earliest memories are of being outdoors playing in the natural world. I’ve never felt vulnerable or afraid in the wilderness. For me being lost in the woods or immersed in nature feels very natural. In nature I feel at home. I was born in 1961 and raised in Gloucestershire, UK. I remember […]

Ready, Set, Breathe: Practicing Mindfulness With Your Children for Fewer Meltdowns and a More Peaceful Family

By Carla Naumburg Most nights when I kiss my daughter goodnight, she has something important to tell me. Not important in the grand scheme of the universe, but important to her in that moment. Important enough that if she doesn’t tell me, she’ll have a hard time falling asleep. Sometimes it’s a sad thought about […]

Mindfulness saved my life: How a few simple tips helped me beat depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

by Laura P Depression crept into my life. Like a glacier; steady and powerful, it hollowed out everything in its path. The force of it consumed me; it swallowed up my social life and stole all that I enjoyed. It dragged me down into addiction and self-harm, and ended up threatening my existence. For a […]

The Relentless Pace of Life can Stifle Creativity and Undermine Happiness and Wellbeing – But it Doesn’t Have To Be this Way

By Danny Penman The doctor sat opposite the elderly Jewish lady and her daughter. He had some bad news. The blood drained from the old woman’s face and she began scratching at her head once again. Both women looked desperately tired and worried. It was hardly surprising. A few months previously, Gussie had begun complaining […]