by Chloe Clarkson The office is quiet. For the first time this year I’ve stayed late, determined to complete my last tasks of the day. There is much to do but I am content, and I will not be staying too long. I am staying in because I want to. A couple of years ago, […]
Why do we need a mindfulness book with a focus on women?
by Vidyamala Burch, Co-Author, Mindfulness for Women Some of you reading this may already know my story or perhaps be aware of the work of Breathworks so perhaps you know that my journey with mindfulness has mainly focussed on health, stress and illness. Then why have I made such a departure from my main focus […]
Living Rightly: A Life of Examination and Wonder
by Gavriel Elkind “Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell me about it.” –Mary Oliver, from “Sometimes” The sun is setting over the Charles River. I am walking home from work and humming along to “Taking It In” by James Taylor. I’m still several blocks away from the Harvard Bridge when I catch […]
How I Became a Mindful Bride
by Georgina Lucy Howard Last year was the year I got married and I had fourteen glorious months to plan the wedding. You may think I’m being sarcastic when I describe the planning process in such a positive way, as I realise it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I was truly in my element […]
Taming the Tyranny of the Busy Mind
by Abby Seixas This morning, like most mornings, it didn’t take long after I awoke for the to-do list to set up shop in my mind. I got going with some left-over cleaning from last night, some list-making for the day, getting that invoice sitting on the kitchen table into an envelope (not because it […]
Rick Hanson’s 9 Words to Guide Our Mindfulness Practice
By Kellie Edwards It was the last thing Rick said before he closed our evening together. And it really got my attention. Nine Words to Deepen Our Mindfulness Practice – and indeed our lives. As he shared each of his nine guideposts he encouraged us not only to explore them in our own lives but […]
Interview with Mark Ovland
Mark Ovland began his love affair with meditation in 2007. He soon after donned the robes of a Hindu monk, and lived as such for a year before returning to England to train as a mindfulness teacher. In the years since he has served as a volunteer coordinator at both The Barn Retreat and Gaia […]
How Mindfulness Helped To Hush My Negative Thinking
By Anna Alapatt My negative self-talk has been within me for as long as I can remember. When I was a little girl, it would manifest in many different ways: my grades at school, my dance classes, or my singing lessons. From the time I was twelve, I remember thinking that I was never good […]