[Request] FPIAFW audio

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Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:39 pm  


Some time ago, I bought Finding Peace from Amazon for my kindle. At the time there were two versions available, one normal text-only version and one "enhanced" version that contained the audio embedded within it. I purchased the latter.
Only after buying it did I realise that my kindle 3g does not play audio but no problem, I had a kindle app on my iPhone which played it.

Its now some time later and I'm trying to read my way through the book now and Ive just discovered that the kindle app on my newer android phone doesn't play audio (I no longer have the iphone). Nor does my kindle itself (although a new kindle fire would) and nor does the kindle app on a PC. And nor does the kindle cloudreader website.

So in summary, without an Amazon tablet or a iPhone/iPad, neither of which I have, its pretty impossible.

I did find this webpage of some of the meditations but not all of them are there:
http://franticworld.com/free-meditation ... ndfulness/

Short of buying a 2nd copy of the book, does anyone know where I can find the remaining audio tracks?

Thank you

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Tue Aug 05, 2014 3:44 pm  

you could borrow the book from a library and copy the cd ?
at least that way it's cost free and sort of legal!

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Tue Aug 05, 2014 6:28 pm  

Hi monkeymind.
If you PM me, I can sort you out with an assortment of guided meditations, FPIAFW among them.
Nothing illegal, your honour. That I say, that I swear.
So help me God.
Jon, ℅ The Scrubs
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Tue Aug 05, 2014 6:54 pm  

:D :D :D

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