These are some of my favourite books...Eckhart Tolle 'The Power of Now'
Eckhart Tolle 'A New Earth'
Steve Taylor 'Waking From Sleep'
Steve Taylor 'The Fall'
Ram Dass 'Be Here Now'
Thich Nhat Hanh 'Peace Is Every Step'
Thich Nhat Hanh 'You Are Here'
John Kabbat Zinn 'Coming to Our Senses'
John Kabbat-Zinn 'Full Catastrophe Living'
Byron Katie 'Loving What Is' - Byron has a method of enquiry that can be a powerful way to question thoughts
Ramana Maharshi 'The Spiritual Teachings of Ramana Maharshi'
Ramana Maharshi 'Who Am I'
Gaganji 'The Diamond in Your Pocket'
Geneen Roth 'Women Food God' - This is a great one to read about addiction, impulses and cravings
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 'Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience'
Stephen Mitchell 'The Bhagavad Gita - A Translation'
Stephen Mitchell 'The Tao Te Ching - A Translation'
Youtube Vids Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zinn at Google: Eckhart Tolle Brown: The power of vulnerability Bolte Taylor's stroke of insight's 7 Strategies to Maintain Mindfulness In The Information Age Posts You May Like to Read...Parable On the Truth About Happiness ... happiness/Practices...Spending time in nature, doing yoga pilates or tai chi - things that have a mindful focus as part of the practice. Also 'soul' sports like surfing, snowboarding and rock climbing where you must stay focussed in the moment.
Research on Mindfulness/HappinessIs Mindfulness The Most Effective Depression Treatment In the World? ... the-world/TED TALK: New Research Reveals Mindfulness Is the Secret to Happiness ... ndfulness/Mindfulness As A Cure For Insomnia: 8 Steps To Resting Easy ... ting-easy/5 Surprising Ways Mindfulness Boost Your Health ... ur-health/I'll keep adding to this document for you! xxoo