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Fri Jan 03, 2014 6:42 pm  

Interesting piece in the Huff. Post about some of the potential pitfalls faced by mindfulness as it becomes more mainstream. Very thought-provoking.
I'd be interested to hear any reactions.
Cheers, Jon ... 19289.html
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Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:34 pm  

I'm uncomfortable when mindfulness and money are mixed other than as an honest income for a teacher or an author.

I didn't really know anything about the whole right/wrong mindfulness thing from Buddhism. I find that the more that I practise, the more that the qualities of right mindfulness are promoted within me.

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Mon Jan 06, 2014 11:30 am  

A man went to a spiritual teacher who declared that the man's problem was that he was too attached to material things.
"Can you cure me?" asked the man.
"Sure," said the spiritual teacher, "that'll be £200 an hour."
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Tue Jan 07, 2014 10:58 am  

I think this is an entirely valid concern. I too have had something niggling in the back of my mind about totally severing mindfulness away from its philosophical, psychological and historical context. Of course, my niggling doubt was never as fully articulated as this, however it makes complete sense to me.

That is not to say that I think mindfulness should only be practiced alongside Buddhism. However, I do think that if you're buying into mindfulness you have to at least also adhere (implicitly of explicitly) to some of the underpinnings such as non-striving, compassion and a vow to do your best not to harm. There is an implicit recognition in mindfulness that you share your existence with other human beings and the environment - that you are not a separate entity. Accordingly, I think if you say 'see the breath more clearly to better see how you can undermine your competitors', then there is something drastically askew about the whole process.

God himself culminates in the present moment, and will never be more divine in the lapse of all the ages - Henry David Thoreau, Walden: or, Life in the Woods

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Tue Jan 07, 2014 1:30 pm  

Cheesus wrote: However, I do think that if you're buying into mindfulness you have to at least also adhere (implicitly of explicitly) to some of the underpinnings such as non-striving, compassion and a vow to do your best not to harm. There is an implicit recognition in mindfulness that you share your existence with other human beings and the environment - that you are not a separate entity. Alex

I don't know about anybody else but I find that practising mindfulness is actively encouraging these qualities. I am a much more compassionate and empathic person since I started practising.

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Tue Jan 07, 2014 1:37 pm  

It always stops me in my tracks when I read that mindfulness is being taught to the US military. How does that work?
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Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:45 pm  

Really interesting article, thank you for posting. I totally agree. I used to study tai chi with a wonderful teacher who had started in the tradition at the age of 10. His class was a different experience completely to a gym class I went to which was all about the “moves” with no deeper function than to exercise. It’s the same in my mind … the true gift of a lifelong pursuit is lost when a concept becomes popular and commoditised for the mass market. What gets spat out is a shallow executive-summary style derivative for a market that wants a quick-fix-throw-money-at-it solution. But surely the lack of interconnectedness described will make it a fad which, like all fads will pass, leaving those who stick with it to seek out more?

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Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:12 pm  

JonW wrote:Indeed.
It always stops me in my tracks when I read that mindfulness is being taught to the US military. How does that work?

maybe it'll cut down on "friendly fire" incidents, sorry not the best of jokes!

i agree with cheesus on this
commercial mindfulness sounds sick.
people earning a living is one thing, corporate greed and manipulation of people for profit is another.

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Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:33 pm  

JonW wrote:Indeed.
It always stops me in my tracks when I read that mindfulness is being taught to the US military. How does that work?

JKZ mentioned in one interview that US soldiers in Afghansitan, for example, when surrounded by a crowd of locals with potential insurgents in their midst, that the anxiety and stress of expecting to be blown up at any moment can make them nervous and trigger-happy. Mindfulness means they can keep their cool and not shoot the whole lot out of panic (which will, as Mick said, cut down on other accidents like friendly fire also). At least that saves 'innocent' lives. Another side to it is that if they are practicing mindfulness, then there will be more compassionate intentions flowing through them and they may even quit their jobs as 'hired murderers'.

piedwagtail91 wrote:people earning a living is one thing, corporate greed and manipulation of people for profit is another.

Have no fear - truly heart-felt compassion is impossible to fake and those practicing it will not charge more than they need - that's part of being compassionate. The good teachers will rise to prominent positions through being good teachers, which requires heart-felt compassion. I think the 'industry' will take care of itself in this way. If people are tricked into paying for McMindfulness then they don't need real mindfulness.

Everything gets ripped off and sold for a quick buck. I'm not going to sweat about that happening to mindfulness - the reason we are only just getting hold of scientific mindfulness now seems to be that it has been and is difficult tofake or even come by, in scientific terms. MBSR can't be put in a colourful wrapper - it can only be transmitted from human heart to human heart. In this case if the burger looks different from the photo above the cashier, it will matter significantly, because it will taste rotten - unlike a BigMac.
"Compassion – particularly for yourself – is of overwhelming importance." - Mark Williams, Mindfulness (2011), p117.
"...allow yourself to smile inwardly." - Jon Kabat-Zinn, Full Catastrophe Living (2005), p436.
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Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:07 pm  

This is an interesting debate, particularly the notes BioSattva has made about the potential benefits of mindfulness that may not be apparent at first.

I believe that the power of mindfulness when practised with compassion will overcome what needs to be overcome in those who are willing to let it :)

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