Mon Feb 03, 2014 1:03 pm
Hmm, so just like with Week 1's task, I'm finding that this week's task doesn't particularly strike an inner chord with me...
As I've written before, I don't want to do "positivity exercises", so I guess I'm not trying to cheerfully "see as much good in myself as possible".
Rather, I'm hoping to observe and be aware of whether and how I do / don't "see the good in myself" and to observe which changes I think might be useful in that respect...
So, I'm not really sure what my starting point is for this week, though... Do I see the good in myself? Do I do it (often) enough? When do I notice the good in myself? In which situations do I forget to see the good in myself? I'm really not sure...
I have a note saying "Yes, but..." hanging on my bathroom wall, to remind me of a cool exercise I came across a few years ago - whenever someone else (or you yourself) criticises you for something, you're meant to have an immediate "reflex" of "Yes, but..." and to contrast the criticism with one of your good qualities (preferably something vaguely related to the theme of the criticism).
(While you could argue that in some situations it's "important" to *just* accept criticism without a "but" attitude... I'm not sure. I think keeping in mind that you *DO* have good aspects is pretty much always helpful - even in facing the most faulty and frail parts of you...)
So other than that little exercise... what else...?
I know that I do often *forget* to see the good in myself. And I also know that I am quite badly tuned into the whole thing of "praise" and "critcism". (Or praise and blame, I think Jack Kornfield calls it?)
I KNOW I don't make myself enough immune to that. I don't treat it like sunshine and rainy weather - just knowing that those 2 factors (praise and criticism/ blame) are external and will continue to take turns for as long as I live.
I buy in to the whole concept of "praise means I'm great" and "criticism / blame means I'm crap" FAR, FAR too much.
And I know that I would have much more equanimity as regards criticism, if I were prepared to give up/ face my addiction to praise.
But I don't know if I feel able to do that!
Maybe that's how I will approach this week's exercise - a) see how I deal with criticism - and trying to remember to do my "Yes, but..." exercise and b) observing how I deal with praise and trying to buy into that less, trying to approach praise with greater equanimity, trying to know that praise's flip-side is criticism, and that buying into one means you're forced to buy into the other one too....
I've been practising formal meditation for 15 years.
*~*~*~* I love keeping beginner's mind. *~*~*~*
Not a fan of mindfulness being taken tooo seriously.