Cheesus wrote:
Sounds like what happens to me when I ski.
Yep, skiing would be a perfect example of something where you can get flow states happening. (If you like those states, I really recommend checking out the literature on flow, cos it helps you get "everyday flow states" happening - just like you can practise "everyday mindfulness".)
There have been a LOT of comments here in the forum - for example in a thread about reading and focus and mindfulness - that suggest that if you "lose yourself in the book" that is mindfulness. But nope, that is FLOW.
If, however, you're getting flow states while reading and ADD awareness of your awareness to it, THEN you've got mindfulness.
This has been happening in other threads too - ones where I've posed a question too.
People are writing "Oh, just get [
such and such a flow state] happening" and voila that's all there is to mindfulness".
But that's simply not true.
It's been happening so much, that I really think the distinction BETWEEN the flow and the mindfulness states needs to be made.
While I'm certainly no fan of taking mindfulness overly seriously, I am also NOT a fan of completely muddling up the basic concepts.