About a year ago, I was musing at how wonderful mindfulness is, and started putting a website together to talk about that. I set up a Twitter account to go with the website which was a really good decision looking back. To this day I am taken aback by the popularity of some of the things that have been tweeted. The twitter account has grown at an incredible rate; it looks like it is going to hit 12k in it's first year, which I think is pretty good. There was a little bit of hard work on my part in the beginning, but now setting up the Tweets is a simple process and doesn't take up much of my time. All I have to do is read some of the wonderful topics in this forum, and the Tweets write themselves. I sometimes copy what you say verbatim, and these things are really popular too.
I know that two of our most prolific forum members (Jon & Bio) came here by means other than Twitter, but I'm convinced that it can be a massive driver of people to our site and also drive people to the forum too. There is other SEO work to be done to ensure that people come here from search engines, but that is something different to what this thread is about.
A short time back, I went on holiday and left the Twitter account with Fiona, who did an admirable job and managed to grow it while I was away; this was partly to experiment and partly to practise letting go (I need to stop writing Tweets in my head when I'm washing the dishes!). Although I think that I have done a decent job with the Twitter stream so far, this does not mean to say that we can't improve it.
That's what this thread is about. What do you think of the Twitter stream (if you follow it)? Other ponts for discussion:
Number of Tweets per day. I have been doing 8-12 spread across the day in various forms, as I figured that flooding people's timeline is a surefire way to get unfollowed.
Tweet Content. So far this has been a mixture of stuff that I write myself, excellent mindfulness quotes, links to blogs that I am putting up on the site, links to interesting topics here in the forum. I haven't linked to mindfulness articles, not sure if that would be a good thing or not.
Anything Else. Anything else that you would like to see Tweeted from this account.
Also, do you want to have stab at writing a tweet yourself? In the past I have always included the #mindfulness hashtag somewhere in the tweet, but again there are no rules. Remember the 140 character limit, and include your username in the reply if you want credit (although this will reduce your character limit). Also feel free to flag up any blogs/articles that you think might be worth promotion from the Twitter stream. Remember the 'everyday' theme of the site.
The Twitter Feed
I think the number of tweets a day is about right. Maybe posing questions (when you or anyone else involved) is around to reply to any tweets generated might be a god idea. Questions like how long do you meditate for?
Walking, sitting or laying down, how do you do you prefer to meditate?
Eyes open, shut or in between?
They're just off the top of my head but that sort of thing.
Walking, sitting or laying down, how do you do you prefer to meditate?
Eyes open, shut or in between?
They're just off the top of my head but that sort of thing.
“Being mindful means that we take in the present moment as it is rather than as we would like it to be.”
Mark Williams
Find me on twitter - @feehutch
Mark Williams
Find me on twitter - @feehutch
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