Changes Are A Coming

Everything related to our Everyday Mindfulness community.
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Posts: 1010
Practice Mindfulness Since: 01 Mar 2012
Location: Steel City

Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:40 pm  

Hi Everyone
I have started making some changes to the forum as you might have noticed.
The Getting To Know You forum is now called Our Community. Here I hope we can discuss anything and everything we want too. Mindfulness is a way of being and as such is anything really 'off topic'?

There is a new Website Feedback forum where we want to encourage everyone to share their thoughts on what they like about our forum and what could be better. I have also moved Forum Announcements over from Mindful Living as it seems to sit better here.

There are more changes coming. Once I have had responses from everyone I have invited to moderate the different boards I will be introducing them to each other and to you. I am meeting Gareth on Tuesday and we will be having a conversation about various things, including forum posting guidelines - that sounds more appropriate than 'rules' I think :) I am going to post a separate thread and christen the new feedback forum to encourage your thoughts on this matter.
“Being mindful means that we take in the present moment as it is rather than as we would like it to be.”
Mark Williams
Find me on twitter - @feehutch

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