Hello everyone!
My name is Lucas... I'm a 38-year-old guy, from Ireland orginally, but now living in New York by some weird twist of fate (more a twist of economics actually - I was living in Spain for many years, but the economic collapse obliged me to 'go West' a few months ago)... I'm in a happy relationship with a wonderful woman who's patient enough to put up with me...

... I've been a regular meditator for a few years, but recently i've come to see the importance of practising mindfulness more in my day-to-day life too... When I was in my 20s I had 'difficulties' with drugs and alcohol, and although I've been sober for over a decade I'm still a sugar and shopping addict... last year I got interested in Alan Marlatt's work on 'urge surfing' and addiction - basically using mindfulness to observe the rise and eventual dissipation of compulsive urges, rather than acting on them - and it has helped me enormously... so I guess I'd say I'm interested in mindfulness as a means to live a more present and less consumption-oriented life...
I'm glad I found this board and I look forward to 'getting to know' people here... it seems live a very vibrant and interesting forum... nice to meet you!
All the best,