
Please post your mindfulness stories here and your story might also feature on our blog (with your permission). You can also introduce yourself here. We want to create a library of mindful journeys and experiences.
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Posts: 1010
Practice Mindfulness Since: 01 Mar 2012
Location: Steel City

Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:53 pm  

Hi everyone
Several of us have shared what brought us to mindfulness on the boards but I thought a space for more general discussions might be nice too. So I have shared how I discovered mindfulness as part of my rehabilitation from a brain haemorrhage nearly 2 years ago but I thought I'd introduce myself properly.

So I'm Fiona :D
I am married with 2 young children. I am retired from my job working for a large financial company but still studying to be a counsellor.
I write about music on my blog and for an online music magazine. I also sometime write bits and pieces for other places places. So I love music (good job really), can play the ukulele sort of and am trying to learn the guitar, I read too many books about anything and everything and love watching films and documentaries.
“Being mindful means that we take in the present moment as it is rather than as we would like it to be.”
Mark Williams
Find me on twitter - @feehutch

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Posts: 2897
Practice Mindfulness Since: 08 Dec 2012
Location: In a field, somewhere

Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:30 pm  

Nice idea, Fiona.
I'm Jon. 51. I found out about mindfulness in early December 2012. I went to visit a friend who'd just emerged from hospital after major surgery. I was amazed to find him looking so calm and collected after his ordeal and asked him what his secret was. He told me about mindfulness and something clicked in me. I ordered the Mark Williams/Danny Penman book and started reading, taking to it very quickly and enthusiastically. I now mediate daily, usually for about an hour. I'm currently on week five of the eight-week course, being trained in Brighton by the most excellent Nick Diggins.
I've worked as a journalist for the past 33 years, starting out on the music press and moving on to magazines and newspapers.
I'm happily single and I live in Hove with my dog Banjo and my cat Bilbo.
Jon leads the Everyday Mindfulness group meditation on Zoom every Monday/Friday, 6pm London-time. FREE.
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Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:47 pm  

Hi, I'm Jackie, I live in Belfast , am divorced with 3 grown children and 5 grandchildren, a golden lab called Honey and its seldom that my home is empty!. I am a civil servant and have lived in Spain , Germany and the united states, I love languages and practice my spanish whenever possible. I found mindfulness through therapy last year at a time when I was suffering from stress and was on sick leave for 5 months. It was the best thing to have happened for me and I will not let stress get the better of me ever again. My hero was jon kabatt zinn, was really impressed reading his books,, well got to log off here, nice to meet you all :D

You can find me on Twitter @larorra08

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Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:59 am  

Fantastic idea Fiona.

My name is Gareth, I am 34 years old from the north of England. I am married with a two-and-a-half year old boy, with another child on the way imminently. I work as a police officer in Barnsley; my illness means that I am confined to a desk job these days. It's still an interesting job, and I have been very lucky in the way that I have been treated by the police throughout my illness.

I came to mindfulness because I was diagnosed with MS. This was extremely stressful, and I turned to meditation for stress relief. From there I learnt about this concept of mindfulness, and I have been hooked ever since. This is a beautiful, powerful and peaceful way to live your life.

About 7 months ago, I was lying on the sofa, and the idea for this site came inot my head. I haven't blinked in pursuing this goal ever since that time. This is a project about mindfulness fuelled by mindfulness. IN the past I might have listened to the doubts and anxieties that my brain fires at me. Mindfulness allows me to let go of these thoughts and get on with the project.


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Posts: 2897
Practice Mindfulness Since: 08 Dec 2012
Location: In a field, somewhere

Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:38 pm  

"This is a beautiful, powerful and peaceful way to live your life."
Amen to that.
Jon leads the Everyday Mindfulness group meditation on Zoom every Monday/Friday, 6pm London-time. FREE.
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Medway Tai Chi
Posts: 26

Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:59 pm  

My name is James, I'm 26 years old, married with one daughter, and I run the Medway Tai Chi Society, a free practice group for those interested in Tai Chi Chuan, or in associated practices such as meditation.
I live in the Medway Towns, in Kent, England. I've practiced martial arts since 1993, and have been meditating since 1995(ish). I've held black belts in Karate, Jujutsu and Taekwondo, however, since 2004 I have been studying Tai Chi and qigong, and going deeper into my 'meditation' practice.
I started the MTCS around 2011, however have only recently started to pick up the pace with organising training sessions.

My goal is to 'bring meditation out of the studios, and share its benefits with everyone in the real world'.
Free Tai Chi Classes in Kent ~ ~

~One must know the fundamentals to reveal the essence~

~Fears that never manifest can still drain our energy~

Team Member
Posts: 2897
Practice Mindfulness Since: 08 Dec 2012
Location: In a field, somewhere

Fri Feb 08, 2013 9:02 pm  

Good to meet you, James
Jon leads the Everyday Mindfulness group meditation on Zoom every Monday/Friday, 6pm London-time. FREE.
Follow this link to join the WhatsApp group and receive notifications:

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Posts: 3
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:01 pm  

Hi there

My name is Saskia, I am an animal communicator and live in Cape Town, South Africa with my wife, Angela.

I have been meditating daily for the past 3 years and on and off before that for about 5 years. I have tried many different methods ranging from Kriya yoga to active meditation. The technique I am currently using is a form of conscious meditation, The Silva Method, devised by a man called Jose Silva and currently still taught by his daughters.

To date this method has had the most positive and measurable results for me in all areas of my life including health, mental wellness and emotional issues.

I look forward to getting to know you all and participating in this forum.

Much love
Saskia Busch
Animal Communicator
Mobile: +27 84 313 8035 | Office: +27 21 462 6008

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Posts: 1010
Practice Mindfulness Since: 01 Mar 2012
Location: Steel City

Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:17 pm  

Welcome to our community Saskia :)
“Being mindful means that we take in the present moment as it is rather than as we would like it to be.”
Mark Williams
Find me on twitter - @feehutch

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Posts: 3
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:42 am  

Thanks, Fee.

Just read your article on your journey of finding mindfulness.

What an inspiration! Thank you so much for sharing.

Hope you have an amazing week and it's not too cold up there ;)

Saskia Busch
Animal Communicator
Mobile: +27 84 313 8035 | Office: +27 21 462 6008

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