mindfulness & children

Post here if you are just starting out with your mindfulness practice. Mindfulness is a really difficult concept to get your head around at first, and it might be that you would benefit from some help from others.
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Posts: 152

Tue Nov 20, 2012 2:07 pm  

As a "nanna" to 4 Young ones i find i have more patience second time round than i had with my own kids. But. Since finding mindfulness i am more tuned into them than before , now i really LISTEN to them and see the world as a 4 year old sera it. They just focus on THE MOMENT and i wish They Could always be this way, maybe i can show them mindfulness, as for my 4 week old grandson we spend hours of mindfulness together and doing it holding him is such a joy wow, this came for me at just the right time in my life, headed me overcome and deal with stress, i still get stressedudeal with it,so much better now and a Big help was reading jon kabat zinn, i am only New at this but its Chaonlgqing my life forbetter, never give up...

You can find me on Twitter @larorra08

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Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:09 pm  

Keep them out of Western schools too :lol:
Twitter @rarafeed

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Wed Nov 21, 2012 7:05 am  

My grandkids go to a wonderful "integrated" primary school here in Northern ireland Where for decades childrenof different religions have been segrated in schools and communities growing up and not getting to know "the other side". Since the school They attend was opened 20 years ago, integrated schools have slowly been introduced here, still a long way to go, but , life is much better and if people know about mindfulness and didnt fight about things that happened in the PAST and trired to live together in the moment this. Would be an even better place to live in!

You can find me on Twitter @larorra08

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Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:59 pm  

The Dalai Lama once said something like: "if meditation was taught to all children, then violence would be all but erased in a generation." I can well believe that, given the amount of peace that mindfulness has given me in my life; I don't even get verbally agressive any more. Ever.

My son is two and a half years old, and I have another one on the way. I am so glad that mindfulness has come to me now. It makes being a father so much more rewarding; it will also make me a much better father too. My patience know no bounds these days, and I know for a fact that will never get angry with them, not while I'm practicing anyway. He is a mindfulness expert too; it just shows that we all start out this way and somehow we lose it as our brains develop.

My favourite mindfulness practice is the time that I spend with my son. I give my attention to him, and bring it back to him whenever it goes away. He makes it easy because he constantly demands my attention, and I am happy to give it. We focus on whatever it is that we are doing be it painting, singing, reading, dancing. These are truly joyous times, and I am very lucky to have them. :)


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Thu Dec 13, 2012 1:39 pm  

I spend mindful time with my 4 year old grandson in the evenings when I get home from work and I focus fully on him now and whatever projects we are doing and I look so forward to these special times. Also spend most all day saturdays with him and that is good too. I'm working on my coping skills on Sundays as all the family are at my home and it can get stressful at times. i find escaping to my bedroom for a few minutes and going into my breathing works wonders!

You can find me on Twitter @larorra08

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