Flashback-like visual images during mindfulness meditation
I’m experiencing snapshot visual memories/images of previous experiences during meditation, and am hoping to get some insight into this. They’re quite minimalistic memories which consist of just an impressionistic snapshot image of something I’ve seen in the past (usually from a holiday or some other such time when I was happy/relaxed/in the moment - though not always) with a vague emotion attached to them. They initially started happening towards the end of my meditations but as I’ve gone on they’ve started to happen earlier and even begun to happen in my daily life outside of meditation. I was hoping someone may have some thoughts on what I'm experiencing and advice on how I should respond to them. They’re pleasant memories and not at all a problem, but I’m wondering if these count as thoughts and something I should be attempting to look beyond and keep my focus on my breath, etc. like I would with any thoughts during meditation. Any thoughts/guidance would be very appreciated.
- Team Member
- Posts: 2897
- Practice Mindfulness Since: 08 Dec 2012
- Location: In a field, somewhere
Hi Diogenes.
Welcome to the forum.
I would agree with your idea of simply noticing these memories/images, then gently returning your attention to your anchor - breath etc.
All best wishes,
Welcome to the forum.
I would agree with your idea of simply noticing these memories/images, then gently returning your attention to your anchor - breath etc.
All best wishes,
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