Is it a massive mistake to learn about mindfulness, and many different techniques?

Post here if you are just starting out with your mindfulness practice. Mindfulness is a really difficult concept to get your head around at first, and it might be that you would benefit from some help from others.
Posts: 67
Practice Mindfulness Since: 10 Oct 2015

Sat Nov 21, 2020 12:07 am  

Is it best to keep it super simple and just do your daily meditation as much as you can each day?

It seems to me that you can learn a billion tips and bits of advice that help meditation but ultimately that complexity is a the wrong path to getting this down its like a really long path almost a road away from getting success , the short cut is hard work, hard simple work, a simple practice mastered from many hours ?

Is that right or should you learn in depth about mindfulness have a kind of overview of the whole thing?
Last edited by mightywindr on Sat Nov 21, 2020 12:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 67
Practice Mindfulness Since: 10 Oct 2015

Sat Nov 21, 2020 12:09 am  

Is it me or is this SERIOUSLY HARD? I mean not "technically speaking ie where its easy" I mean practically speaking its super SUPER HARD?

Or have I just been a total dumba55 about it?

(Ive been getting an overview but Im really going hard on simple practice now)

Ive liked trying to let go which I tried to make work and could not ie be non resistant. I really liked it that way but you dont develop any mind muscle so you never get reliability.

Now im just building awareness as much as I can each day

Why do they teach it as if you can let go be non resistant it seems impossible to do it that way you need the practicality of awareness "muscle" training its the only way to be reliable?

Posts: 67
Practice Mindfulness Since: 10 Oct 2015

Sat Nov 21, 2020 12:17 am  

I mean why do these guru's make hundreds of videos all teaching all different ways to be mindful should there not be only 1 video ever made that says just train the awareness muscle for hours on end, and do nothing else.

All these non resistant tips, mantras, letting go, non judgement, dropping desire its all just a skill that cant ever work or be reliable, all of that is BS? You just need to train the "muscle of awareness ie the part of your brain responsible for awareness " and nothing more or less?

Am I right or wrong?

Posts: 67
Practice Mindfulness Since: 10 Oct 2015

Sat Nov 21, 2020 12:21 am  

The worst thing is these other tips like give up desire or let go or see the self , or dont judge, be non resistant etc they work well enough to make you practice them for years without ever getting any reliability or real progress its like they are poison to everyone's ability to achieve this. They seem to be useful but they are just a poisoness distraction that takes you away from what really helps which is just changing the part of the brain that is responsible for awareness, thickening up the neuron pathways via focus training

Posts: 67
Practice Mindfulness Since: 10 Oct 2015

Sat Nov 21, 2020 12:29 am  

Thats the problem with traditional arts and not knowing the end result before you start, like if I just stuck to the psychologists id have got this much faster but you listen to a spiritual teacher and he will give you something that works faster right away something that seems legit like giving up desire what seems to be a corner stone of this subject, but that will distract and mess you up for years from progress!?

Am I right or ignorant?

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Posts: 2897
Practice Mindfulness Since: 08 Dec 2012
Location: In a field, somewhere

Sun Nov 22, 2020 8:48 am  

I think it's important to grasp the basic concepts underpinning mindfulness but they're not difficult to understand. A 7-year-old shouldn't have any problem understanding them.
Once the basic concepts are grasped, it's all about practice and that practice is simply about being with your experience, non-judgmentally, as it arises.
Overthinking it just gets in the way.
It's just about learning to be.
I'd also say that it's important not to be attached to specific outcomes. Mindfulness practice is ultimately goalless in the sense that it's not about getting anywhere other than being right here, right now; and it's not about attaining any particular state.
Jon leads the Everyday Mindfulness group meditation on Zoom every Monday/Friday, 6pm London-time. FREE.
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Posts: 67
Practice Mindfulness Since: 10 Oct 2015

Sun Nov 22, 2020 11:06 am  

JonW wrote:I think it's important to grasp the basic concepts underpinning mindfulness but they're not difficult to understand. A 7-year-old shouldn't have any problem understanding them.
Once the basic concepts are grasped, it's all about practice and that practice is simply about being with your experience, non-judgmentally, as it arises.
Overthinking it just gets in the way.
It's just about learning to be.
I'd also say that it's important not to be attached to specific outcomes. Mindfulness practice is ultimately goalless in the sense that it's not about getting anywhere other than being right here, right now; and it's not about attaining any particular state.

Thanks JonW friend, now im inferior to a 7 year old! xDDD Really appreciate your help bro, you are very generous!!! :)))))))))))))))

Cya Monday tomorrow for the free mass!

Posts: 67
Practice Mindfulness Since: 10 Oct 2015

Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:32 pm  

I tried to log in I always us emy pc for everything never used a smart phone b4, it doesnt seem to work on pc the app only seems to work for phone even when u choose the web version

Team Member
Posts: 2897
Practice Mindfulness Since: 08 Dec 2012
Location: In a field, somewhere

Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:46 am  

The app can be moody on certain types of PC. Try opening Zoom via Google search, then inputting your log-in details.
Jon leads the Everyday Mindfulness group meditation on Zoom every Monday/Friday, 6pm London-time. FREE.
Follow this link to join the WhatsApp group and receive notifications:

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