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In a nutshell: The Mindfulness teaching is about formal and informal exercises. Tolle's books are not. I wouldn't recommend Tolle's books to 'beginners'.
Personally, I didn't enjoy 'The Power of Now'. I am a very rational kind of person, and I thought that this had a distinct whiff of mubo-jumbo.
Gareth wrote:Personally, I didn't enjoy 'The Power of Now'. I am a very rational kind of person, and I thought that this had a distinct whiff of mubo-jumbo.
Could you please recommend any books on mindfulness?
I am an intermediate and I didn't quite love The Power of Now. I also tried to read Full Catastrophe Living but found it quite boring.
Thank you in advance!
I'll leave it to Jon for the recommendations. He's far more well-read than I am.
@Xaric, I found 'Mindfulness for Dummies'
by Shamash Alidina a great book.
In defense of Eckhart Tolle, I found his books truly very profound. I'm also a very rational person, but I could recognize almost everything he describes in myself and others. It was 99% truth for me, and the other 1% were Bible references that added nothing in my opinion. I especially liked 'a new earth'.
by Shamash Alidina a great book.
In defense of Eckhart Tolle, I found his books truly very profound. I'm also a very rational person, but I could recognize almost everything he describes in myself and others. It was 99% truth for me, and the other 1% were Bible references that added nothing in my opinion. I especially liked 'a new earth'.
OK, but know that it is not a mindfulness book. You have to be ready for it, so to speak.
Maybe you'd better start with: 'Mindfulness for Dummies'
Maybe you'd better start with: 'Mindfulness for Dummies'
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