Researchers at Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane, Australia) are currently conducting a study of ways in which people discuss mindfulness practices with each other on forums like this one. The study will involve exploring common ways that people discuss mindfulness, in particular whether particular descriptions of mindfulness practice are more or less intelligible to others. Further information about the study is provided below. If you would like further information or do not want your posts to be included in this study, please contact Dr Stuart Ekberg at:
Mindfulness Discourse: The Construction of Mindfulness in Online Forums
QUT Ethics Approval Number 1700000405
Principal Researcher: Dr Stuart Ekberg, Research Fellow
Associate Researcher: Jennifer Phelps, Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Honours) student
School of Psychology & Counselling, Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
This research project is being undertaken as part of an Honours study by Jennifer Phelps.
The purpose of this project is to investigate ways people discuss the various elements of mindfulness. In particular, the study aims to identify effective ways to communicate about mindfulness experiences. The study will achieve this by analysing everyday interactions within online discussion forums about mindfulness.
Study outcomes will progress psychological knowledge and inform mindfulness interventions by identifying the most effective descriptions of mindfulness practice. This knowledge will inform development of effective and tailored mindfulness based programs in both therapeutic and everyday settings
Some of your posts on the Everyday Mindfulness forum may be identified as meeting the target criteria for this study. Generally, posts of interest are ones which make reference to an individual experience or interpretation of mindfulness practices, a method or strategy for practicing or engaging in mindfulness, or tools to help explain, describe or deconstruct mindfulness with another meditator.
If selected, your posts will be used to help construct a clearer understanding of the everyday ways people discuss mindfulness and whether there are particular ways of communicating about mindfulness that make more or less sense to other people.
You are not required to answer questions or perform any actions outside what you would ordinarily elect to do through your involvement within the Everyday Mindfulness forum.
The focus of this research is to investigate the practice of mindfulness and the processes individuals employ to communicate these practices. This research is not interested in any aspect or element of your individual identity and therefore the content of any post will not be used to form opinions or judgements about you or your values, beliefs, perceptions, customs or cultural heritage. There is no focus or interest in comments that may disclose personal or sensitive information, nor in the interpretation of such comments in order to form a representation of you.
If you would prefer that we do not include your posts on the Everyday Mindfulness forum in this study, you can instruct us to exclude your posts before 30th September 2017, when the project is due to be completed. You are free to withdraw without comment or penalty. Your decision to participate or not participate will in no way impact upon your current or future relationship with Queensland University of Technology.
This research project may not benefit you directly. However, outcomes of this research will provide new perspectives on mindfulness and its application. Ultimately, this may benefit people who utilise mindfulness based programs to enhance general wellbeing and reduce mental distress.
There are minimal risks associated with the use of your forum posts as data for this study. The only foreseeable risk is that potentially identifiable data will be reported in study findings. We intend use a small number of forum posts to illustrate our findings when we disseminate our research (e.g. through articles published in academic journals).
Given the focus of this study and the types of posts that are made on these forums, we do not expect that this will constitute a risk. Nevertheless, if you do have concerns that this may pose a risk to you, we recommend that you instruct us to remove your posts from the study.
All posts and comments will be used for the present study only as described and with acknowledgement to your online identity. The actual names of individual persons are not required.
Please note that data from this research project may be used as comparative data in future research projects or stored on an open access database for secondary analysis. Any data collected as part of this research project will be stored securely as per QUT’s Management of research data policy.
If you have any questions or require further information, or do not want your posts to be included in this study, please contact Dr Stuart Ekberg -
QUT is committed to research integrity and the ethical conduct of research projects. However, if you do have any concerns or complaints about the ethical conduct of the research project you may contact the QUT Research Ethics Advisory Team on +61 7 3138 5123 or email The QUT Research Ethics Advisory Team is not connected with the research project and can facilitate a resolution to your concern in an impartial manner.
Study of discussions of mindfulness on this forum
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- Practice Mindfulness Since: 27 Jun 2017
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