Any ideas about creating a relaxing atmosphere in the office

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Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:31 pm  

I'm in the office all day, and it is a very cold environment: white light, no plants, a lot of computers, a lot of noise, no view outside, etc.

I was thinking about what I could use (which doesn't go overboard) to create a nicer environment.
I thought of these things:

* plants (maybe a bonsai tree)
* a fish (however, this isn't practical; vacations, not animal friendly)
* a lava lamp
* a headset with nice sounds of nature..

Does anyone have any other ideas? I would greatly appreciate it! It should be pretty discrete, because of coworkers..

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Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:44 pm  

A bonsai tree on your desk sounds pretty cool.

Glad to see you back in the forum. :D

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Practice Mindfulness Since: 19 Aug 2013
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Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:19 pm  

Thanks Gareth! Glad to be back. :)

Right now I'm watching this movie (again):
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring

If you haven't seen it, you really should..
By the way, a lot of the Kim Ki-duk movies are great!

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Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:00 pm  

If I ran an office I'd play Louis Armstrong records all day and let people bring their dogs in, so long as the dogs promised to behave themselves.
I'd also pay people ten times the living wage and let them clock in and clock out whenever they felt like it.
I'd also insist the workers came in dressed as fruit and vegetables. eg. cucumbers and carrots.
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