Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety and Depression

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Posts: 1465

Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:06 am  

Hi, welcome to the forum.

We have no problem with anybody advertising their mindfulness services on here, as long as it is done in a tactful, non-spammy way. Might I suggest that you embed your credentials and your links in your signature? That way people will be able to follow you to your site, when they like the things that you are posting.

I regularly link to topics from Twitter which means that they get seen many, many times, so it's in your interest to be active on the forum and join in/start topics.

One more question: are you by any chance Peter Strong?

Posts: 5
Location: Boulder, Colorado

Fri Jan 30, 2015 5:01 pm  

Hi Gareth,
Thanks for your suggestion. Will do.
Peter Strong

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Site Admin
Posts: 1465

Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:26 am  

Hi Peter,

I posted a wonderful blog on our site from someone who named you in person. Check it out: ... epression/

Posts: 5
Location: Boulder, Colorado

Sat Jan 31, 2015 3:53 pm  

Thanks Gareth,
She was definitely ready for mindfulness after having tried all the usual approaches - CBT, medication, etc, which may bring temporary relief from symptoms of anxiety and depression, but which do little to transform the underlying process that causes emotional-psychological suffering. Mindfulness Therapy, when properly understood is one of the most effective approaches I know because it works at the emotional level directly, understanding that unresolved emotional formations (core emotions, sankharas) are what fuel the reactive thinking that is such a common feature ion depression and anxiety. Change things at the emotional level and all that rumination and negative thinking just falls away as it ceases to be fueled by the underlying emotional energy. But, you can't change the emotion by just trying to change the thoughts any more than you can put out a fire by making the smoke go away.

Posts: 30

Mon May 11, 2015 8:06 am  

Is it a similar approach to Acceptance Commitment Therapy?

Posts: 5
Location: Boulder, Colorado

Mon May 11, 2015 2:19 pm  

Mindfulness Therapy has some similarities to ACT, but there are a lot of differences. The first major difference is that in MT we do NOT accept emotional suffering or thoughts. Rather the path is one of AWAKENING to mental objects, to investigate the structure of the emotion rather than just taking it for granted, since we know the limitations of perception and that labeling and judging are major causes of anxiety and depression.
MT is also very focused on developing a compassionate and healing relationship with your emotions and thoughts, as taught by the Buddha, because this creates the right conditions for healing and resolution of suffering. MT is very much closer to the Buddha's teachings (Dharma) than is the case for ACT.

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